Page 15 - 718 Issue July 2018
P. 15

ASK WHITEDOVE                                        Spirits (meaning spirits governed by the Elements of Earth such
                                                                 as water, air, fire) the animals and plants and of course the
                                                                 ever elusive fairies (also known as the angels of the Earth) not
                                 Got a burning question? Ask Celebrity   everyone will see Tinkerbelle flying by with a sparkly wand,
                                 Psychic and Spiritual Teacher Michelle   but their energy exists here just the same.  They are in charge
                                 Whitedove. Lifetime TV named her   of protecting and aiding Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.
                                 America’s #1 Psychic on America’s   Children are much more apt to see these spirits as their minds
                                 Psychic Challenge. Her books include:   have not been programmed to disbelieve.  I cannot stress
                                 Ghost Stalker: A Psychic Medium Visits   enough to people that just because something is not in your
                                 America’s Most Haunted Sites • She   view doesn’t mean it does not exist.
                                 Talks with Angels: a Psychic Medium’s
                                 Guide into the Spirit World • Angels Are
                                 Talking: A Psychic Medium Relays Mes-  DEAR WHITEDOVE,  Please enlighten us as to why
                                 sages from the Heavens • My Invisible   predictions from psychics are sometimes accurate and
                                 Friends    other times so off the mark.  How can I explain it
                                                                 to him? Why would the information that’s coming
            DEAR WHITEDOVE: Some people believe that each        from “The Other Side” end up wrong?  Seeker from
            life is mapped out before we come to Earth and that   Miami
            is our fate.  Others believe that we can change our
            life’s path at any time.  So I would like to know, is   Dear Seeker, There is only one being that is omnipotent, and
            there a difference between fate and destiny or is our   that is the Great Spirit.  There are several factors that deter-
            life’s mission preordained? ~ Fated in Philly        mine the accuracy of a psychic message or prediction.  First
                                                                 there is Free Will. Psychics “see” the most probable future.
            Dear Fated: There is a great deal of planning that goes into a   Many psychic messages that are relayed to clients are given as
            life’s mission.  As we prepare for our Earthly journey, we make  a warning, not a predestined fate.  If a psychic tells someone
            an agreement with God.  We select lessons to learn and also   that they have a car accident in their energy that’s not to say
            lessons that we agree to teach others; these are called Soul   it will happen for sure, it is suppose to help them be aware of
            Contracts.  So we map out our journey.  There are very few   the danger and do things to prevent an accident from occurring
            events etched in stone, but if there is something that we MUST  at all: buckle up, be more cautious and drive with awareness.
            experience it’s preordained or called fate.
                                                                 Remember Psychics and Visionaries give predictions based
            Then there are other events that will only happen if everything  on the most probable outcome at the time, BUT the future
            is lined up with divine timing as destiny or a synchronicity.    is always shifting!  Another thing to consider is that psychics
            One of God’s greatest gifts to humankind is the gift of free   glean their messages through communication with Great Spirit,
            will.  This affords us the opportunity to co-create our life on   their Angels and their guides. Great Spirit is never wrong but
            Earth.  We can get caught up in drama and create a hellish life  the reader can be.  Heavenly Spirits do not have a set of vocal
            OR we can dream big and create a personal heaven on Earth.    cords, so a psychic medium that is “plugged into” the divine
                                                                 intelligence receives the information as a Knowing.  But if the
            Know this: Your spirit has the ability to overcome any hurtle:   readers’ intellect or ego gets in the way, this will influence the
            poverty, abuse, illness, financial loss.  Every great master has   information.
            taught this truth.  So I would like to encourage everyone to
            monitor your thoughts because they are your building blocks.    I’d like to remind that everyone has intuition and psychic
            Visualize the future as you want it.  Then take action.  Heaven  abilities. You have the answers with in.  Though prayer you are
            is within your reach!                                speaking to the Great Spirit. And once you practice the art of
                                                                 meditation, then you will begin to hear the solutions to your
                                                                 personal issues. God speaks to all of us, it’s just that some
            DEAR WHITEDOVE,  I am wondering what people          people have forgotten how to listen.
            are talking about when they refer to the Fairy
            Kingdom? I have to admit the idea is intrigu-
            ing but I’ve never seen a fairy flitter by me
            either.  On the other hand, I don’t see how
            it’s much different to believe in fairies than
            angels.  Please shed some light on this for
            me.  Cosmically confused in CA

            Dear Cosmically Confused,  I can understand how
            people would misconstrue the idea of the fairy
            kingdom into some out of this world fantasy fest, but
            that is not what we mean when we refer to the Fairy
            Kingdom.  The fairy kingdom consists of all spiritual
            creatures that are earthbound, this means, Elemental

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