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GRAFFITI from the
Jeff Brown is author of Spiritual Graffiti, Ascending with Both Feet on
the Ground, Love It Forward, An Uncommon Bond, Apologies to the Universe
Divine Feminine From a Warrior in Transition and Karmageddon, an
award winning documentary about spirituality and emotional healing.
Visit and An international tax accountant turned entrepreneur turned writer
for “the Universe,” and one of the teachers for The Secret, Mike
Dooley runs TUT’s Adventurers Club and travels internationally,
To arrive at this place in my life, I had to overcome speaking to thousands on life, dreams, happiness.
so very much. I had to overcome emotionally un-
well parents, crippling abandonment issues, child- Did you know that whenever you feel love,
hood poverty, internalized shame and self-doubt. I you literally begin to glow? You probably
had to punch my way through endless challenges as I worked did.
to become a lawyer, to let go of law, to surrender to writing
as a path. I had to knock on hundreds of thousands of doors
in Canadian winters to sell windows so I could afford to write But did you know that the glowing is actu-
through the night. I had to fight for my right to the light, time ally made up of zillions of minute sparkles?
and time again, for more than 5 decades. And that these sparkles receive as much
energy as they create?
When people ask me how and why I did it, I only have one
answer- Soul. Not ego, not masochism, not the need to be ac-
knowledged but, instead, the deep need to fully excavate and And that because of this energy exchange
actualize my soul’s voice- my reasons for being, my entelechy, you completely stop aging and look young-
what James Hillman called the ‘innate image’. It was like a er? Abundance is immediately drawn to you?
desperate longing to be who I was called to become in this Healing powers fill you?
lifetime. And as difficult as it was to find and live that voice,
it was easier than the uncomfortable alternative. It was easier
than living a lie. Muscles are strengthened, pounds are shed,
and your vision improves? Lingering ques-
Wherever you are at on your journey through time, be assured tions are answered?
that there is a soul path somewhere at the heart of it. And,
as difficult as it may be to see it, as overwhelming as it may
seem to embody it, it is well worth the effort. Once you catch New friends are summoned? Old friends are
a glimpse of it, it will beckon you home, like a fire of divine poked? Problems are solved? And maple
possibility with your name on it. And that fire… will not only syrup tastes more maple-y?
show you the direction to walk, it will fuel you as you over-
come the obstacles in the way. It will warm and inspire your
every step. All when you feel love. It’s true,
When you walk through the gateway of your sacred purpose, The Universe
you walk into yourself. Blessingly buffered from the madness
of the world, your purpose filters out those relationships and
energies that undermine your expansion. Infused with vital-
ity and a clarified focus, new pathways of possibility appear
where before there were obstacles. Life still has its chal-
lenges, but you interface with them differently, coated in an
authenticity of purpose that sees through the veils to what
really matters.
Don’t lose the faith, wherever you are on the path.
Keep going…
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