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MONTE FARBER’S                                        Leaves                            Essential & Fragrance Oils
                                                                                                       Over 100 Top Quality
                           QUANTUM                                & Roots                       Herbs & Herb Blends in capsules
                                                                                                     Aromatherapy supplies
                                                                                                          Herbal research
                          AFFIRMATION                             9476 E.  Colonial Drive                 Herbal extracts
                                                                                                           Incense, Soaps
                                                                  Orlando, FL 32817
                                                                                                             Body Care
                        Monte Farber is, with wife, artist/designer Amy              407-823-8840               Books
                        Zerner, author of many best-selling metaphysical
                        self-help books with over 2 million copies in print in      Email
                        14 languages, including Karma Cards, Enchanted Tarot,   M-F 10-7
            the Psychic Circle and Quantum Affirmations. His two new books are   Sat 10-5  Over 300 herbs & spices in stock
            Signs & Seasons: an Astrology Cookbook and Instant Tarot.  Sun 12-5


              When you are asking your psychic ability to
              come out and play, you must first get past the
              tendency to think that what you find yourself        YOGA SHAKTI
              “feeling,” “hearing,” even “smelling,” “tast-
              ing,” or “seeing” things in what William Shake-
              speare so perfectly called your “mind’s eye”        MISSION
              is “just” your imagination (sorry for all of the
              quotation marks!)
                                                                                    First Saturday      YOGA
              My experience has shown me that my way of learning                       at noon       CLASSES
              how to do psychic readings has been my ever increasing                 VEGETARIAN
              ability to listen to my intuition, but even more so my                 LUNCHEON           7-8pm
              ability to listen to my imagination.                                   $10  donation      $7 Per Class or
                                                                                     (children free)   $25/month unlimited
              My imagination gives me an inner version of all the sen-                               Monday thru Thursday
              sations I am capable of in the “real” world and then I use          Sunshine Lectures
              my intuition to assign values to those sensations.  Ma Yoga Shakti   Sundays 9 - 10am

               You can see the image of a person entering an airplane,        Talks on Spiritual T opics
              but unless you use your intuition, you won’t know if that
              is something they should or shouldn’t be doing. I call   June 4th & 18th - Gita Discussion Group - Dr. David Warren
              the combination of the two, using my intuition to help   June 11 - Empowerment of the Soul - Yola Abdou
              decipher the symbols and senses of my imagination, my   June 25 - The wisdom of Bees - Hari Shankar
              “psychic imagination.”                                BOOKS BY MA YOGA SHAKTI
                                                                    Yoga Syzygy Guide to Hatha Yoga $15
              I believe that the prevailing view of imagination is that   Techniques of Meditation to Enhance Mind Power $10
              it is something we activate with our will when we have   Shri Satya Narayana Katha $5
              to solve a problem, be creative, or when we finally find   Hanumaan Chalisa $5 • A Spiritual Message $5
              the time to daydream it is not even half the truth of our   The Seven Invisible Psychic Lotuses $10
              imagination’s wisdom, power, and usefulness for making   Yoga Aasana Chart $2 • Chandogya Upanishad $5
              our daily lives more enjoyable and wonderful.
                                                                        YOGA SHAKTI MISSION
              Day in and day out, our psychic imagination is speaking
              to us in the only language it understands, symbols and      3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay 32907
              feelings, and what we have to do is learn how to listen
              and, occasionally, to speak to it. It wants to help us.           321-725-4024

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