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ASK WHITEDOVE Native American & Metaphysical Stuff Store
Readings, Crystals, Jewelry, Incense, Smudge
Got a burning question? Celebrity Psychic and The Purple Rose Trading Co.
Spiritual Teacher Michelle Whitedove is here Rev. Tina, Owner
to help. Lifetime TV named her “America’s P.O. Box 275 • 1079 Stevens St. Cassadaga, FL 32706
#1 Psychic” on “America’s Psychic Challenge.” (386) 228-3315
Her books include: Ghost Stalker: A Psychic
Medium Visits America’s Most Haunted Sites
• Ghost Stalker Two: A Psychic Medium Visits
Europe’s Most Haunted Castles • She Talks
with Angels: a Psychic Medium’s Guide into
the Spirit World • Angels Are Talking: A Are you considered a “Medical Mystery”?
Psychic Medium Relays Messages from the Try something new...
Heavens • My Invisible Friends
Dear Michelle,
What is going on with me, I’ve had the worst year ever. My
mom died, my boyfriend broke up with me, I dropped my lap-
top and crashed my car. Then I had to move in with my Dad. PAIRED PRACTITIONER PROGRAM ©
How could life go so wrong? *Two talented MedHealers using multiple therapies in
an expansive one hour session.
Dearest, 772-559-1993
Many people just like you are having a complete transition in License: MA74941
life. When all aspects of your familiar life are being swept
away and you are called upon to build a new life for yourself;
this is called a Shaman's Death . This is NOT a physical death
for you, although it is the death of life as you’ve known it. Rev. Andy Conyer
It’s a spiritual process of releasing and rebirthing. We are
in a time of quickening; there is no time to die a physical
death, have a life review in Heaven and then go through the
reincarnation process of being born as a baby to start another UNITY LIFE ENRICHMENT CENTRE 863-471-1122
karmic journey. You my dear are on the fast track to spiritual 10417 S. Orange Blossom Blvd, Sebring, FL 33875
growth. Now is the time for prayerful contemplation and the Email
preparation of building a new life. Your life has been washed
away now this is your rejuvenation or rebirth period. Let your of thought, so his soul comes to check on your mother, you and
old behaviors and habits die because they no longer serve you. the house. I feel that his death is quickly approaching and could
Like a cocoon soon to open, you are transforming into a but- be any time now.
terfly, you are rebirthing a completely new journey: a new
job or complete career change, a new mate, a new home and Your step father is being visited by his guardian angels and they
many new friends too. This Shaman's Death in midstream of are preparing him for his transition. Many people in hospice see
your lifetime all aspects of your soul’s journey abruptly dis- their angels and loved ones on the other side. They are given
solve, you recover and start anew. It’s like living two com- reassurance that everything is in order and that the time is near.
pletely separate lives during the course of one. This time you Already he has come to the realization that he should have been
will be doing something to help humanity as you also work a more loving father to you; that is his message. He is feeling
through karmic lessons. The worst is over, look ahead, visual- sorry for all of the missed opportunities. He will even have more
ize this process as an adventure. Now is the time to imagine, clarity upon his death.
strive for the life that you really want – you can do it!
There is nothing to fear, he means no harm. In fact quite the
Dear Whitedove, opposite, he wants to surround you and your Mother with love.
My step father is in hospice. We visit often but mostly he He feels your grieving because it has already begun.
sleeps all day and night. Once in a while he wakes to smile
or give us a nod. I’m thankful that he’s not in pain. But since After his passing, you may feel his presence even stronger. Most
he’s been in hospice I’ve seen him in my dreams; he’s nicer souls linger around their loved ones for about a week, but it
than in real life. Also of late I’ve seen a large orb around the can be longer. The dead have given up their body but the spirit
house at night; could this be him? These sightings have me a lingers to give comfort and help with the grief. They can send
little rattled. loving energy to the living. Funny enough, many souls go to their
own funerals! They take count to see who came to pay respect,
Dearest, and who is feeling the loss. It’s sobering for them as they have
Please keep calm. That’s how souls travel, we can see them clarity and a knowing that they didn’t have in life. At this time
as an orb which is a ball of energy. His soul is half in and half of death the soul then knows the truth, the veil has been lifted
out of his body now. When asleep, the soul travels at the speed as they transition into the Heavens.
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