Page 14 - Horizons
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FROM THE HEART                                         areas of that island. The family lived far away and needed
                                                                   caretakers for the estate. They didn’t have to ask this
                                                                   woman twice. Now she and her husband live there full time,
                          Alan Cohen is the author of The Grace Factor:   enjoy all the amenities as if they owned the property, and
                          Opening the Door to Infinite Love.  Become a certi-
                          fied professional life coach though Alan’s transfor-  the owners hardly ever visit. This entire transaction occurred
                          mational Life Coach Training beginning September   without the couple having to pay even a penny.
                          1. For more information about this program, his
                          books and videos, free daily inspirational quotes,   Don’t get stuck on how your supply should show up. You may
                          online courses, and weekly radio show, visit www.  have your idea that it should come through a particular per-
                                           son, job, sale, or investment, but it could come in any one
                                                                   of a thousand ways. The universe is clever and creative when
                                                                   it comes to manifestation. Affirm, “I am open and willing
            Claim Your Inheritance                                 to have the universe support me in the easiest and most
                                                                   efficient way possible,” and you will set in motion the posi-
                                                                   tive dynamics necessary to work on your behalf.
            When my coaching client Lana was a small baby, her
            parents divorced and she never saw her father again.   In my book Handle with Prayer, I designate several differ-
            For  much of her life, she felt sad because she was    ent identities or positions from which most people pray. One
            fatherless. As an adult, Lana became a life coach and wanted   is that of a beggar, in which you see yourself as unworthy
            to set up a studio and business, but she did not have the   and outside the kingdom and you must scratch and plead to
            funds. Then she received a surprise letter informing her that   get your prayers answered. The next identity is the servant,
            her father had died and left her a substantial inheritance—  in which you see yourself as a worker on God’s payroll and
            enough to start her coaching business and a lot more.  you live in the kingdom because you have a job at which
                                                                   you are earning your good. The next level is that of Child
            Like Lana, you may feel fatherless—not so much for a physical   of God, meaning that you deserve the kingdom not because
            father, but for a source of support, abundance, and well-being   of anything you have done, but simply because you are heir
            to live the life you would choose. You may feel in some way   to the estate established by your infinitely wealthy Source.
            deprived or outside the circle of enoughness. Meanwhile the   While all the positions of prayer work if you are sincere, the
            universe has ingenious ways and means to take care of you.           identity in which you deserve the kingdom by virtue of who
                                                                   you are is the closest to the truth and the most rewarding to
            The spiritual teacher Bashar defines abundance as “the abil-  exercise.
            ity to do what you need to do when you need to do it.” This
            definition says nothing about a particular amount of money   Someone gave me a pamphlet titled, Are You Letting Life
            in your bank account or a specified way your support should   Love You? That pamphlet sat on my coffee table for years,
            come. There are an infinite number of ways you can be taken   and every time I looked at the title I had to do an honest
            care of. Money is just one of them.                    introspection. We spend lots of time trying to make life love
                                                                   us, through people and things and events, but less time no-
            I sat on an airplane next to a woman who told me that she and   ticing how life is already loving us. You have been taken care
            her husband wanted to live amidst lush nature on the island   of very nicely thus far. The hand of Grace that has provided
            of Kauai, but the couple did not have money to make such a   for your needs will not stop now. The ego wants us to believe
            purchase. Then they met someone from a family that had just   that the current challenge is an exception to the presence of
            inherited an 1100-acre estate in one of the most beautiful   love, but it is not. The universe has not let you down so far,
                                                                   and it will not let you down now or ever. You are valuable
                                                                   and you are loved. This is God’s vision of you, calling for you
                                                                   to join it.
              Spiritual Services with                              You are not fatherless, abandoned, or unsupported. Those
              Laura Beers       Shift your Mind,                   thoughts are tricks of the mind fooled by current appearanc-
                               Enlighten your Body                 es. But appearances cannot override the truth that you have
                               & Connect your Spirit               an infinite, eternal, loving Source that will give you exactly
                                Psychic Medium,                    what you need when you need it. If you discovered that you
                              Motivational Speaker,                have a winning lottery ticket, all you need to do is go to the
                                                                   lottery office, show your ticket, and claim your winnings.
                             Spiritual Certified Coach,            You don’t have to beg, plead, argue, explain, or convince
                                Ordained Minister                  the bank of good to give you what you deserve. The number
                             In Person, Phone, Skype, Groups, will travel  you are holding gives you all the entrée you need. You were
                                                                   born with the winning ticket; everyone was. But only a few
                              321-751-4766 By appointment          are willing to show it with confidence.  Ask and it is given,
                                                                   but claim and it is done.

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