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ABRAHAM-HICKS                                                       Jacksonville, FL 32210   ROCK SHOP,
                                                                                  1951 Stimson St.
                                                                               (904) 389-3690           HERBS, OILS,
                              Abraham is a group of nonphysical teachers,                               BOOKS, TAROT,
                              speaking their broader  perspective through         MORE
                              Esther Hicks.    Author of Ask & It Is Given,    Open Wed - Sunday 10am - 6pm    Closed Monday & Tuesday
                              The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, The
                              Vortex, Where Law of Attraction Assembles
                              All Cooperative Relationships and NY Times
                              Best Seller, Money and the Law of Attraction,

            Q: Is there a way for me to think about a
            world without terrorism and shortage?

            A: Yes. It takes discipline - it takes a strong
            desire to feel good. It takes a strong desire
            to feel good to create your own reality. And a
            little bit of contrast certainly puts a lot in the Vortex, and
            there certainly is a lot in the Vortex around that subject. And
            future generations will benefit mightily for the perception               Kim Danbert
            and the conclusions and the asking of those of you who are           Spiritual Counseling • Phone Readings
            now experiencing that contrast and launching your rockets of       PSYCHIC-MEDIUM TAROLOGIST
                                                                                 35 years experience  321 752-4218
            But you cannot get to where you want to be by focusing for      
            long periods of time on things that cause you to feel fear,
            because the fear is the indication that you are deviating from
            the solution, and are still focused upon the problem. You just
            can't get around it - there is no other way.          Kornucopia                     386-963-4898

            Esther's been watching some of the political landscape, and
            she uses as her excuse that she just wants to understand - and   12093 CR 137 • Wellborn, FL 32094
            we agree with that - we want her to understand, too - but   Tues thru Fri 10am - 5pm, Saturdays 10am - 3pm
            we want you to understand how the Laws of the Universe are   Antiques, Vintage Collectibles, Chime Candles,
            always accurate and in place, and with that understanding you   Sage, Incense, Tarot Cards,  Jewelry, Books, More
            can bring yourself to the resolution of alignment over and over
            and over again.

            So let's say that, as you are witnessing that, there is an
            increase of contrast relative to that subject, so billions of
            you are focused and putting desire into the Vortex at all
            levels of your being. And so Source Energy is on the case like   Janice Scott-Reeder, AA, BA, Druid
            never before, and Law of Attraction is gathering cooperative      Licensed Psychic, Astrologer, Broward County, FL
            components.                                                    Master Tarotist, Hypnotherapist, Psychometry, Spirit Contact
                                                                            954-698-6926  (Coconut Creek 33073)
            The question you want to ask yourself is how can I be a          Facebook: CosmicSalamander or CosmicJanice
            cooperative component who can receive the solution? And
            you know, it doesn't take many - throughout all of the history
            of your human race more people are creating the Vortex than
            are standing in the Vortex receiving the solution, but those
            who receive the solutions are always there. And one who is
            connected to that stream is more powerful than millions who   ANGEL PSYCHIC
            are not.                                                  “The Psychic Psychics Go To”
                             ...continued on page 27...                 True Answers + Real Results

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