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Maya White is a Master Destination
                                 Astrologer and one of only 90 people in   HOROSCOPES
                                 the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy,
                                 a specialized branch of astrology which
                                 helps people find their perfect place on
                                 earth for love, prosperity, and personal   APRIL 2018
                                 growth. She's also the creator of Easy
                                 Astrology Oracle Cards published by Hay
                                 House. Visit Maya’s website and sign up to   Cusp dates are accurate for 2018. Sometimes the actual date the sun
                                 receive her weekly newsletter.   enters the sign varies by a day or so because of a leap year, or, even
                                       the time of day. I assure you these cusp dates are correct for 2018.
            Aries – (March 20 – April 18) Yours is the first sign of the   Libra – (September 22 – October 22) Jupiter retrograde
            natural zodiac, and indeed this month is your time to spring   in your second house of earned income until early July
            forth. What’s unique about this time is that you have an   initiates a second harvest season for you, Libra. Look at your
            opportunity to get totally aligned with your core values. This   existing resources and apply them in a different way. Is there
            requires some self-examination and true soul excavation. In   something that you’ve been saving for a rainy day? Maybe it’s
            perfect timing, the Universe delivers a question that provokes   time to bring it out and give it a new shine. Venus, your ruling
            you to stretch your limits for the right answer. Dig deeply.  planet is also in a financial house, your eighth, this month. It’s
                                                                 about money, but more about how you handle it, and how you
            Taurus – (April 19 – May 19) Venus, now in her evening   can make it multiply.
            goddess phase, graces your sign most of this month, so
            consider yourself blessed. The secret to success though, is   Scorpio – (October 23 – November 21) Allow yourself to
            that you cannot go it alone because Jupiter, still in Scorpio,   be nurtured this month, Scorpio. Don’t take things quite as
            accentuates your partnership sector! Never surrender to   seriously as you usually do. Venus now dancing in the evening
            loneliness because this type of sacrifice holds no rewards now.   sky has come to bring you joy and peace; accept her gifts.
            Enjoy time with friends and partners, and follow the star of   Love comes easily, (if you’re looking) and from an unexpected
            your fondest dreams.                                 quarter. You may not even think you’re ready for all the good
                                                                 things that are in store for you now. Focus on acceptance, and
            Gemini – (May 20 – June 20) There is pot of gold at the end   take it all in.
            of your rainbow but there is still a bit of digging through the
            mud to find it. Your best bet is to work smarter not harder,   Sagittarius – (November 22– December 20) It’s time to leave
            recognizing that ‘work’ is the operative word. Mercury retro-  that well-worn path and embark on a new journey. April is
            grade until April 15th keeps you guessing anyway. Don’t over-  a month in tune with your fiery nature, and inspiration is
            look the option to ask for help, and be kind when it comes.   calling you at every turn. Listen carefully to your inner voice
            Move past stress mode and into efficiency; it’s going to be OK.   now and pay attention to your dreams. You cannot keep all
                                                                 of this desire inside any longer. Money is important, but your
            Cancer – (June 21 – July 21) There are some things that   challenge is to do something bold and lay the cornerstone of a
            simply will not be resolved overnight, so continue being   new financial foundation.
            patient; even when your patience is being tried at every turn.
            Mars in Capricorn until mid-May leaves you feeling vulnerable   Capricorn – (December 21 – January 18) Mars and Saturn
            in close relationships. With the Sun in Aries, it’s a great time   are doing a push – pull operation on you now. These two are
            to develop your own self-defense strategies. Focus on good   a misunderstood combination, though. Saturn is slow and
            times with your dear friends, and remember- it’s not really   patient; Mars is fast and impatient. Mars gets mad; Saturn gets
            personal.                                            even. But, here’s the good news – not much can stop these two
                                                                 when they’re united on a goal. Get serious Capricorn and Mars
            Leo – (July 22 – August 22) Just when you’re                  will grant you the energy to fulfill your ambition.
            feeling bored; more opportunities for travel
            appear right on cue. It’s time to expand your                 Aquarius – (January 19 – February 17) You’ll be
            horizons, Leo, so in between your forays into                 feeling more grounded once Uranus enters Taurus
            a brave new world, this is a perfect time                     by mid-May, but until then, you’re passing through
            to take a photography class so that you can                   the ‘zone of endings’. And, this one is bumpy by
            share all the amazing things you are seeing.                  nature; kind of like a rocket ship touching down
            I see you traveling far and wide with a                       on Mars. The good news is – this finalizes a season
            message of love to inspire the world. Do it!                  of uncertainty. Gather information, but go with
                                                                          your gut now, Aquarius. When faces with a quick
            Virgo – (August 23 – September 21)                            decision, your instincts are your best guide.
            Double check critical information;
            Mercury is retrograde in your vital eighth                    Pisces – (February 18 – March 19) The Universe
            house of power until April 17th. This                         is asking you to look at long term goals and
            could cause chaos in shared resources,                        strategies. As a Piscean, you know how to go
            or misunderstandings in shared decision                       with the flow, but a bit of tactical planning helps
            making. Either way, it’s possible that your                   also. You deserve financial stability, and this is
            feelings end up getting hurt so give thought                  the reward for your practical application of the
            to just and where you need to draw the line.                  Universal Laws of Success. You’re probably great at
            Speak up quickly, and don’t allow yourself to                 the Law of Visualization, but it’s also important to
            be taken advantage of.                                        make decisions. Here’s to your astounding victory.

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