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This month’s thoughts                   WHEN PEOPLE MISUNDERSTAND AND CAUSE FIGHTS
                                                                 Scrolling thru Facebook, people love to read something su-
                               about things...                   perficially and decide to twist the words and get offended as
                                                                 they share it.  Those who opposed the school walk outs after
                            “I want to look back on my life and be giddy with   last month’s shootings want us to take it to mean that school
                              joy that I was the one who got to live it.”   shootings are the fault of classmates not being nicer. THAT'S
                                    ... from page 7 ..           NOT WHAT IT MEANS AT ALL.
                                                                 "Often school shooters are the outcasts, the ones excluded,
                                                                 neglected and bullied. STUDENTS, YOU CAN CHANGE THIS. You
                                                                 can befriend someone you see others leave out and make fun
            WHAT TO DO WHEN IT ALL FEELS HOPELESS                of. You can have a smile and an "ignore that, hang in there" for
            Helping others, volunteering may bring you out of a funk but a   them. You can start giving a nod as you pass, "I see you, we're
            more passive way to help is to let those around you know they   in this world together." YOU CHANGE THE CLIMATE OF YOUR
            are seen. Acknowledge them, give a glance and a smile, nod as  SCHOOL by being brave in that silent way, so matter how awk-
            you pass familiar faces in the store. Have a kind word where   ward it feels. You can take someone out of a dark place with a
            one is needed. Help friends stay uplifted and motivated and   few light words. YOU CAN SAVE LIVES by making eye contact,
            focused on what good is right in front of them that they may   giving a nod, shining a smile. Giving someone hope is a holy
            be missing. We all need reminders. Remind them that yes   sacred act."
            there is misery but there is so much good and beauty, focus
            on that. If you cannot help the misery, take your focus off

                                                                 DON’T TWIST WORDS, HELP PEOPLE FEEL SAFE
                                                                 That doesn't say it's the classmates' fault for not being nicer.
                                                                 Stop twisting the words. IT MEANS WHAT IT SAYS. You can
                                                                 help someone feel included who feels excluded, neglected and
                                                                 bullied. You can help take someone out of a dark place with a
                                                                 few light words. You can save a life by letting them know that
                                                                 you notice them, that they exist, that they are not alone. Stop
                                                                 twisting the words. Stop trying to cause trouble where there
                                                                 need be none.

                                                                 WANT TO LEARN SOME REAL MAGIC?
                                                                 Despite anything going on anywhere in the world, you have
                                                                 the ability to attract what you need. If you are to pull your-
                                                                 self out of a bad situation, you must begin to spend less time
                                                                 thinking and talking about what's wrong.  You are only stuck in
                                                                 that place because of your choice of focus. As hopeless as any
            MAKE A CHOICE TO BE HAPPY ANYWAY                     situation feels, it‘s really only your thoughts and focus that
            Stop expecting life to be fair. Stop expecting people to be   you’re dealing with.  And you have the power to change those.
            nice, or to meet your expectations. Learn to be happy despite   A more helpful thought might be: "My life is getting better.
            everything. It's not only possible, it's imperative for your sur-  Good things are on the way. Miracles happen all the time.”
            vival.                                               Then look for evidence of it, everywhere and watch the magic
            IN THE WORLD                                         WHAT YOU CAN BECOME DEPENDS UPON WHAT
            It does not matter what is going on in the rest of the world,   YOU CAN OVERCOME.
            we can chose to focus our thoughts in a way that attracts to us  And you can overcome a lot. Stephen Hawking was an excel-
            exactly what we want in our lives. We can change our thoughts  lent example. We live in our mind, we're not trapped in these
            and discipline our behaviors so much that we can have an ex-  bodies. As hopeless as any situation feels, it's really only our
            cellent and prosperous life no matter who is in office, no mat-  thoughts that we're dealing with, and we have the power to
            ter what the official state of the economy, no matter what the   change those. He changed his world and ours, and it's in you to
            scientists or environmentalists say is happening around us.  do the same. Enjoy our offering this month.
                                                                 Hari Om.                           Andrea

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