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                                                                   YOGA SHAKTI

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            can interconnect and integrate with what is your guidance.              First Saturday   CLASSES
            Can you see why it was important to clarify this?
                                                                                       at noon
                                                                                     VEGETARIAN         7-8pm
            Q: Yes. So the real dependence is my alignment with my                   LUNCHEON           $7 Per Class or
            Inner Being - I'm dependent on my Inner Being for the                    $10  donation    $25/month unlimited
            clarity, for the feeding me what I want - am I following?                (children free)   Monday thru Thursday
            A: Yeah, but that word dependent is one that smacks of   Ma Yoga Shakti
            something that you don't want. But it is an accurate use of it,       Sunshine Lectures
            so let's find a better feeling word to you than that. Let's call
            it collaboration of co-creation or integration or extension of        Sundays 9 - 10am
            or we're all in this together or that we are one or partnership   Talks on Spiritual T opics
            - yes. Let's not count all partnerships that aren't your Inner Be-
            ing as flawed or not good, let's just understand the good ones
            feel one way and the not good ones feel another way. And put   YOGA SHAKTI MISSION
            your focus on the good ones.                                  3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay 32907
            Q: So let's say you spend one of your lifetimes in com-
            plete discord, and you do some bad stuff...                         321-725-4024
            A: It's not like that.

            Q: Well, if you kill some people, right, and then you're   Q: Yeah. I've been practicing meditating for a while and
            reincarnated - is there like a lesson to be learned? Is your   I've gotten to states where I just feel this pure love. And
            next lifetime going to balance out what you just did?  it's from that feeling that it makes me think but why
                                                                 are they teaching me all this stuff? Like I went to Catho-
            A: It's not like that. Not at all. When  Talk more about   lic school and whatnot, and it's just so contrary to that
            you reemerge into Nonphysical you   what you want    feeling, and I just sat in this chair so that I could feel the
            leave behind all doubt and fear and                  freedom of really accepting that that is God.
            disconnection, and you reemerge   and why, because
            into the Pure Positive Energy. Those   the more you talk   A: Say to yourself about that “They were doing the best they
            that have struggled the hardest   about what and     knew, and wellbeing was their dominant intent.” And even in
            and have gotten the most sepa-  why the more you     that you soothe yourself, because many people come into free-
            rated from who they really are are   solidify that steady   dom but then still look back every now and again and condemn
            always those who act out in those                    the time when they didn't feel free. And when you look back
            revengeful ways. And when they   vibration, then     and condemn the time that you didn't feel free, you're not free
            reemerge into Nonphysical, they   your point of at-  again. And they’re not doing it to you, you're doing it to you.
            leave whatever that was behind and  traction just makes
            they reemerge into the true pure   it not only inevita-  When you are trying to be the path of least resistance for
            essence of who they are.                             another it never works because you cannot be. Also, when you
                                           ble, but irresistible   try to be the path of least resistance for someone, you train
            And there are a whole lot of   until nothing could   them in their own conditional living, and then they're never
            physical beings who look at that and  keep you from it  free to really find freedom - they always need you to affect
            don't like it, but in their not liking               some circumstance so that they can feel better, which is bond-
            it, they are in that moment depriving themselves of the love   age for them and bondage for you.
            of Source that the croaked one just found.
            We don't think you should have to croak to feel the loving
            awareness that Source has about you. That's why we talk about
            the things we do, so that you can tune yourself to that clarity          ...continued on page 31
            and wisdom and freedom and joy and knowledge now.

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