Page 29 - 2-19-Issue
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This month’s thoughts

                                about things...                     YOGA SHAKTI
                             “I want to look back on my life and be giddy with
                               joy that I was the one who got to live it.”

                                   ... from page 7 ..                           Annual Friends

                                                                                  of the World
            I delayed a week going to the doctor for a wound because the
            office I called kept losing my appointment. I’d gone to this            Gathering
            doctor years ago since he was around the corner from me.
                                                                                    Sunday March 31st
            LONG STORY SHORT: Twice last month I arrived for an    Ma Yoga Shakti
            appointment and twice was told I didn’t have one. In fact,                Noon to 4pm
            they couldn’t find record of me anywhere although the clerk
            remembered talkikng to me. The delay caused me a week of
            anxiety and pain. I learned from that, though.            There will be a variety of cultural dances,
                                                                     music, drama, international food and vendor
            I learned I should have called my own general practitioner 12   booths.  We hope to provide an atmosphere
            miles away rather than opting for someone around the corner,   of openness and genuine appreciation of each
            thinking it would be quicker. The behavior I attracted out of
            the closer office left me a week without treatment. When I   other’s special talents and cultural heritage,
            finally called my GP, they had me in the office within the hour.   thereby promoting understanding and friend-
                                                                            ship of all races and cultures.
            In fact, my guy was unavailable so they scheduled me with a
            Nurse Practitioner with whom I felt immediate connection.
            I also felt in very good hands and wouldn’t be surprised if the   * Now accepting vendors
            entire reason for my boo boo was so we could connect. Why?
            I have no idea but I'm sure it will make itself known to me.       for the event*
                                                                    If you or anyone you know is interested in hav-
            I absolutely believe that everything that comes into my life is
            there because on some level I am vibrating in harmony with   ing a booth (only $20), performing on stage,
            it, I am dialed into that frequency just like on a radio. That   attending the function or helping us to spread
            means I am likely to attract whatever else resides on that sta-  the word, we appreciate it.
            tion also, like delays and mishaps, or magic and miracles.

            For some reason last month, as yet unknown to me, I was in
            a downward place due to my choice of focus so I got on the
            wavelength of one medical office that didn't have their shit
            together, then thankfully on the wavelength of one that did
            know what they were doing and corrected the situation im-
            The experience stretched me, it got me out of the house sev-
            eral times and into groups of new people. It made me drive
            after dark to pick up prescriptions, made me stay up when I
            should be asleep, made me contem-
            plate my part in the process of it all.
                                                                                    Please contact:
            All in all a valuable experience and
            today it's all good. I wouldn't change a                             YOGA SHAKTI MISSION
            thing.                                                              3895 HIELD ROAD, NW
                                                                                 PALM BAY, FL 32907
            Enjoy our offering this month.
            Hari Om.                                                                321-725-4024
                            Andrea                                        Email

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