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A Natural
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Pathway To
and is not geared to the digital world. Under stress, primi- Ma Yoga Shakti is a beloved teacher with ashrams in India and US,
tive emotion overtakes us, and we become blind with rage, instrumental in the spread of Yoga in the US. Yogashakti Mission, 3895
paralyzed with fear, or so riddled with anxiety that we Hield Rd NW Palm Bay FL 32907 321-725-4024 and
can’t think straight. When it becomes overstimulated, it email Yoga is a spiritual approach con-
hijacks the entire neural apparatus, restricting blood flow cerned with the fundamental mental aspect of every human life.
to the frontal lobes of the brain, so we can no longer come
up with creative solutions to problems. The great Sage Patanjali said in his “Yog
Darshan” (2nd Sutra) "Yoga means controlling
Often we’re not even aware that we’re operating out of the waves of the mind, the thought waves." The
instinctual fear—we think the world is a dangerous place, mind is waiting for your orders. You can create any kind of
that there are tigers or viruses around the corner waiting wave you want. You can generate happy waves or unhappy
to eat us, that there aren’t enough resources to go around, waves. You can create anger or joy within yourself. You can
and that death means the end of our existence. Beliefs laugh, smile or cry. You can do it at your will. Usually we are
like these become etched into the neural networks in the carried away. We don’t know when we are going to cry or be
limbic brain. Each time we think dark or fearful thoughts, angry but yoga teaches you that it is at your will. You can gen-
we reinforce these networks. erate any kind of wave at your will. Learn to master your mind.
Don’t let your mind run wild here and there. Learn to control
Neural networks are information superhighways that quick- the waves. If you know all this you will not be disturbed by
ly interpret what we perceive through the senses. They tell little things in this world. Your mind will have depth and you
us red means danger, green means go, who is sexy, who is can sustain energy. You will not be hurt in this world.
dull. They hold a dynamic map of our world and how our
reality works. This map contains sights, sounds, scents,
memories, and early childhood experiences. YOGA SHAKTI
Many of our maps of reality are formed in the womb. If
your mother was not sure she could count on her partner
to protect her, your reality will be one in which you can’t MISSION
count on people to be there for you, where the world will
not support your endeavors. If, on the other hand, your
mother was confident she could count on her loved ones, First Saturday YOGA
your map will reveal a world you can count on—and will at noon CLASSES
infuse this reality into your relationships. VEGETARIAN
These neural networks become stronger as your day-to- $10 donation $7 Per Class or
day experience proves your map true, with more connec- (children free) $25/month unlimited
tions between neurons formed every time that pathway Monday thru Thursday
is used. Over the years, this path becomes the road most Ma Yoga Shakti
traveled and eventually the only route used. A brain scan Now accepting vendors for
will actually show neural networks in a particular area of Sunshine Lectures
the brain “lighting up” as you think certain thoughts. Sundays 9 - 10am Annual Friends of the
Talks on Spiritual World Gathering
The opposite is true as well: when a neural network falls T opics Sunday March 31st
into disuse, the void in that area of the brain will show up Noon to 4pm
on a scan. S
3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay 32907
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