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                                                 POWERS FASTER

                                 Sonia Choquette is a world-renowned author, storyteller, vibrational healer, and six-sensory spiritual teacher. She’s
                                 the author of several best-selling books, including The New York Times bestsellers The Answer Is Simple, Ask Your
                                 Guides, Trust Your Vibes, and Soul Lessons and Soul PurposeYour 3 Best Super Powers.
            Once we imagine people to be a certain way, that is
            usually how we treat them, and consequently that is                # 2 - Imagine This:
            the behavior we draw out of them. If we imagine them
            to be wonderful, for us they will be. If we imagine them to be   Change The Conversation Booster
            sour grapes, then we will get vinegar. They simply reflect back
            to us the images of themselves that we project on them, which   Instead of talking about the same old things you usually talk
            may not be at all who they truly are. Try these exercises, they   about, invite them to use their imagination with you. Bring up
            will help you tap into your super powers faster.     the following questions for discussion and let your imaginations
                                                                 run wild together. Before you dive into the questions, make
                                                                 sure everyone understands that this is an invitation to imagine
                          # 1 - Imagine This:                    the possible and not a time to be pessimistic or negative, as it
                                                                 will ruin the fun - and defeat the purpose.
                An Interesting Experiment Jump Start
                                                                 1. What inspires you most?
            Get together with one or two people you know really well. On   2. What delights you the most?
            separate pieces of paper, list 10 things that best describe the   3. How wonderful can you imagine your life will be?
            other person or people. At the same time, list 10 things that   4. What has been your best creation to date?
            best describe you. In both cases, it is important to be honest   5. How much positive energy can you comfortably receive?
            but kind so that you and your friends can trust each other   6. What is your heart's desire right now?
            and feel safe in this exercise. This is not a "gotcha" moment   7. What captures your imagination today?
            in which you get to criticize or be criticized. Instead, it is an   8. What do you wonder about?
            opportunity to stretch your imagination to see beyond your   9. What new discovery have you made about someone you
            subjective point of view. When you are finished, have your   know well?
            friends read their descriptions of themselves to you. Then have
            them read their descriptions of you. You do the same.  Many over the years have told me that it is difficult for them to
                                                                 imagine positive things in their lives. Their lives have been so
            1. Do the descriptions match?                        disappointing, so traumatic, so painful that they can't imagine
            2. Does anything absolutely contradict?              anything different from what they have experienced so far.
            3. Were there any surprises?
            4. Might you be limited in how you see others and yourself?  Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way, suggests when we
            5. Were there any specific positive qualities overlooked?  are trying to create something new, better, and wonderful, yet
            6. Were there specific differences in how you saw one another?  find ourselves filled with doubt and fear, we seek out generous
            7. Were there any qualities either you or they saw that, once   and loving friends who will uphold, reflect, protect, and
            pointed out, you were able to see, whereas you didn't before?  believe in our dreams for us until we start to believe ourselves

            The important thing here is not to agree or disagree with   It reminds me that we need support and need to allow
            one another's perspectives, but rather to expand your own to   ourselves the ability to comfortably ask for and receive it if we
            include more than you normally see.  For example, you may   are to succeed in tapping into this great super power of ours.
            view a friend as cautious, but he or she describes herself as
            adventurous. While this may not be your experience of this   Are you someone's "believing eyes"? Do you encourage others
            person, instead of refuting this, now is the time to say, "Wow.   to imagine and believe in their dreams? Do you believe with
            I never saw that in you before. Tell me where and how you are   them?  Being generous of spirit by believing in others costs no
            adventurous because I would love to know that side of you."  money and little time, and quickly engages your imagination in
                                                                 a wonderful way.
            Again, be aware of how you communicate. True interest comes
            across in your voice very differently than it does when you are   The great thing about being another's  "believing eyes" is that
            being subtly challenging.  Have fun with this exercise. It is an   your own imagination grows along with your generous spirit
            eye-opener if you engage in it with the right spirit.  And if this   and you start to believe in your own dreams as well.
            goes well and you want to go deeper with the same friend or
            friends, you can move on to...                       For more of these simple exercises, see my book, Your 3 Best
                                                                 Super Powers.
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