Page 8 - Horizons-February2018
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                                         Inspiration to get back up when life knocks you down

                                  Reknowned author and speaker Les Brown is committed to motivating and training today’s generation to be
                                  achievers and leaders as he introduces new audiences every day to It’s Not Over Until You Win, Up Thoughts for
                                  Down Times and Fight For Your Dream.

            1. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF                               4. STAND UP TO YOURSELF
            One of the most important things in life is to believe in your-  The biggest challenges in our lives are fundamentally in-
            self, to focus on your own mindset. “Telling yourself everyday,   ternal. Yes, circumances in the world are troubling, even
            this is my day, and I’ve got what it takes.” Believing in yourself   seeming insurmountable. But the inner negative conversation
            when no one else does is one of the strongest characteristics a   is the most insidious and dangerous enemy we face when we
            human can hold.                                      seek success. Conquer yourself and you can conquer any-
            Les Brown teaches the point that it is necessary in this cus-  5. GO ALL OUT
            tomer-driven economy to not just serve your customers, but   “Activate the thinker in you,” Brown says. Otherwise our
            to actually amaze them. To go so far beyond what they expect   emotions will use us, control us, and drive us towards actions
            that they are blown away. “Always explore various ways in   that are not helpful. Going all out means doing whatever it
            which you can improve the quality of the service you provide.”   takes to make things happen in your life. Whatever it takes
            This can also be related to personal relationships and interac-  to make your business succeed, whatever it takes to get that
            tions; always go above and beyond, do more than expected,   dream job or raise. Do whatever it takes!
            under promise and over deliver, then sit back and watch the
            rewards roll in.                                     6. STAY BUSY
                                                                 When Brown was fired from his longtime job at the radio sta-
            3. TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE            tion he began his career with, he didn’t quit or take a break.
            Coming from someone with such a difficult start to life, this   Instead, he stayed busy by running for election in the Ohio
            point is important. Early on, Les recognized that he had to   House of Representatives — and he won. Stay busy and keep
            accept where he was at. He couldn’t just be angry, he had to   planting seeds. Keep putting yourself out there, and some-
            accept reality and move forward to improve it.       thing will happen.
            Checkout our powerful motivational speech on this topic “Take
            Responsibility For Your Life”                        7. GIVE MORE THAN YOU ARE PAID FOR
                                                                 Success comes through hard work, and that is why it is criti-
                                                                 cal to give more than you are expected to give. Don’t half-ass
                                                                 your life. You will be rewarded for hard work.

                                                                 “The man who does more than he is paid, will always be paid
                                                                 for more than he does”

                                                                 8. SOMEONE’S OPINION IS NOT YOUR REALITY
                                                                 You will face defeats in your life. You will face those who
                                PROSPER COACHING                 doubt you, despise you even. But other people’s negative
                                  Energy Space Clearing          opinions about you do not determine your reality. You deter-
                                Individual Person Clearing       mine your reality.
                   You were     Certified Law of Attraction      9. YOU’RE DIFFERENT
                                  & Certified Life Coach
                     to fly       772-985-1371                   If you truly want success in your field, you must believe and
                   "Your Life Will Prosper With Kim Trosper"     embrace the fact that you are different. Don’t you think that
                                                                 you perform better when you believe that you are the best?
                          Build self-confidence by believing that you are different, then
                                                                 embody that difference.
                         Certified through Les Brown LBMAT
                                                                 10. DON’T STOP RUNNING TOWARDS YOUR DREAM
                                                                 This is Les Brown’s most important advice: never give up. You
                                                                 will have to make sacrifices to achieve your dreams, and you
                                                                 will doubt yourself, but don’t stop. That’s all. Don’t stop.
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