Page 31 - Horizons-February2018
P. 31

How Your Thoughts

                                Create Your Reality                  COVER ART
                             Discover The Potential
                                    Of Your Mind                Herbal Goddess by Holly Sierra

                                 ...continued from page 26
                                                                 The Herbal Goddess sits in splendor amidst her Earthly
                                                                                                Garden. Atop her head
            If you ask me, learning how to transform energy is so im-                           is a halo of flowering
            portant it should be taught along with reading, writing, and                        herbs...Beside her,
            arithmetic. It all starts with intent, the force that lies behind                   a teapot for brewing
            everything. It’s the energy, the fuel, the electric charge that                     Herbal teas~ As well as
            sets up a resonant field and sends out probability waves into                       a trowel and terra-cotta
            the FP (field of possibility). Esther Hicks, who facilitates the                    pots for work in the
            Abraham-Hicks material, calls it “launching a rocket of de-                         garden. She is a feast
            sire.” Giving it attention adds mass.                                               for the eyes with her
                                                                                                lovely attendant bird
            The minute you make an intention, you create it. It’s instanta-                     friends. A Hummingbird
            neous. It exists as an actual thing. You don’t see it yet because                   visits her and below
            you’re still operating from linear time. You’re still sold on the                   are four Songbirds who
            old-school adage “creating things takes time.” So you keep                          represent, Parsley, Sage
            working and waiting. You keep following the seven steps from                        Rosemary and Thyme!
            the latest self-help book.                                                          It’s a tribute to Simon
                                                                                                & Garfunkel’s beauti-
                                                                                                ful song ‘Scarborough
            But here’s what physicists tell us. Things, in the quantum
            world, do not happen in steps. They happen immediately.
                                                                         ABOUT THE ARTIST
            So the thing you intend, the minute you intend it, exists, but
            like Schrödinger’s cat, a famous thought experiment devised
            in 1935 by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger, you’re only   Holly Sierra’s illustrations speak of that which is visually
            aware of the reality you choose to observe. The physical mani-  enchanting with particular attention to decorative, mystical,
            festation remains enfolded outside your current consciousness.  historical and multicultural themes. Holly Sierra now makes
                                                                  her home in colorful Sedona, Arizona and finds the area
            Cutting-edge physicists tell us life is multidimensional. But   very inspirational to her new work.  Starts with scenery that
            most of us are stuck in our one-dimensional physical reality,   makes your heart leap...Sedona is nestled amidst a geologi-
            restricted to what we experience with our five senses. What   cal wonderland.
            we experience with these alleged foolproof tools of observa-
            tion are nothing but what we decide to look for. It’s not even        Multi-hued stone formations rise upwards
            a chicken-or-egg question. What we see, experience, and feel          from the high desert floor creating a
            with our five senses always comes after the decision to see,          vivid, mesmerizing setting that changes
            experience, and feel it.                                              hourly with the light. Regarded by Native
                                                                                  Americans as sacred, Sedona continues
            I liken consciousness to a giant skyscraper. I may be living on       to be recognized as a place of healing
            the second floor, but the “thing” I created with my thought is        and spiritual renewal. Many come to
            up on the 17th floor. Until I can get to the 17th floor, it appears   experience the vortex energy centers,
            it’s still missing, that I’m still waiting.                           others to explore the art galleries and
                                                                                  healing centers.
            Another great analogy is a television set. If you have cable,
            more than 100 channels are yours for the clicking. TiVo aside,   Holly is often found hiking or four wheeling amongst the
            you can only watch one channel at a time. When you’re watch-  Red Rocks, if she is not busy attending a gallery opening or
            ing, say, Modern Family, you’re chuckling at the antics of   supplying a local shop with Chrysalis Tarot Decks, Greeting
            Cam, Mitchell, Phil, and Gloria and you’re completely unaware   Cards or Canvas Prints!  Holly’s daughters, Gabi and Esme, as
            of the other 99 (or more) channels. That’s why it’s really im-  well as Pearl, a beautiful grey cat, help keep her company.
            portant to stay on the channel you want.              Email and see her work at
            Don’t give any airtime to the reality from which you’re trying
            to escape. Tune in only to your intent.

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