Page 28 - Horizons-February2018
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10 MAGICAL WAYS                     unlikely to happen.   You have to get out in the world where
                              TO ATTRACT THE                     you can be found!  Join clubs that focus on things you’re inter-
                                                                 ested in. Consider doing a little volunteer work for a charity or
                            LOVE OF YOUR LIFE                    sign up for a class!   Whatever it takes to get you out of your
                                                                 home and out in the world of romance!
                              ...continued from page 12...        GET YOUR ANGELS INVOLVED
                                                                 Angels are messengers from heaven who love to help you in
                                                                 any way they can. Many of them have specialties – including
             CLEAN UP YOUR ACT
            Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese set of principles that reviews   Archangel Raphael is known for his match-making skills.  You
            what kinds of things are in your home and how they are placed  can ask him to help bring your soulmate into your life as soon
            in the space.   It has a lot to do with the energy of those   as possible. Archangel Chamuel is known for being able to
            objects and how they affect your energy; which in turn, affects  see everything and everyone – including the perfect person for
            how you manifest things like prosperity, career aspirations,   you! Both archangels vibrate in the colour green.   Raphael
            and – yes – romance!                                 is a deep emerald green and Chamuel is a light green. Green
                                                                 is known to be the colour of the heart chakra which is just
            The back right corner of your home is the space that has to do  another reason why they are the perfect romance angels to
            with relationships.   It doesn’t matter if that room is your bed-  call into your life!
            room (though that’s always nice) or the kitchen.   What does
            matter is that the space is orderly, not cluttered, and has the
            right energy for attracting love.   There are many books on the  FOLLOW THE SIGNS
            subject as well as endless information on the internet.  Or you  Angels (as well as the Divine) love to leave us little signs.
            can hire a Feng Shui expert to go through your home to help   Some signs seem to be universal.  For example, white feath-
            you optimise your ability to attract your soulmate.  ers are considered to be signs from our angels that they are
                                                                 with you and working on your happiness.   Most signs are more
                                                                 tailored to the individual.   You might consider red roses to be
            GET OUT THERE!                                       a message that love is near!
            I’m always amazed by the people who are looking for their
            soulmate but are just expecting them to ring their doorbell.     These signs are often messages telling us to keep the faith or
            Sadly, unless your beloved is a postal delivery person, that’s   even to take particular actions.   If you encounter a sign while
                                                                 on your journey to romance and your intuition guides you to
                                                                 take a particular action, then trust that!   If you feel that the
                                                                 signs are saying “Yeah, go on that 2nd date” then go for it!

                                                                 If your intuition says “Run away!” then do that instead.

                                                                 LOVE YOUR LIFE
                                                                 The time during which you are single is not wasted.  There
                                                                 is much you can do with your life until your soulmate makes
              LOVE EXTENDING RETREAT                             their way to you. Be happy! Fill your days with joyful and life
                 A Weekend Experience Based on “A Course In Miracles.”  affirming activities. The love of life that you feel will radiate
               Process – Undoing Negative Thinking To Open Myself To New   out of you making you a beacon of Light for your beloved. If
                  Possibilities.  Living My Life With All The Possibilities.    you focus every moment of every day upon the absence of a
                      Forgiveness And Gratitude.  Fire Ceremony.  partner, the partner will remain absent. That’s just the way
                              MARCH 23 – 25, 2018                the Law of Attraction works.
                    Friday 4:00 PM through Sunday 4:00 PM
                               KASHI ASHRAM                       BELIEVE
                   11155 Roseland Road, Sebastian, FL 32958      One of my favorite sayings is ‘Seeing isn’t believing. Believing
                                                                 is seeing’. Know in your heart that you are worthy of love. Be
                   Retreat Cost:  $199 includes 6 vegetarian meals
                 Accommodations available at KASHI upon request  aware every day that nature will not let your amazing ability
                                                                 to love go to waste.  Look in the mirror and say “I love you!
                       BETTY RITCHIE, Certified Master Trainer   Someone very soon is going to be one lucky person!”  And then
                       Facebook:  I AM PRESENCE@IAmPresentBettyRitchie   believe that.Because it’s true.

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