Page 30 - Horizons-February2018
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Maya White is a Master Destination
                                 Astrologer and one of only 90 people in   HOROSCOPES
                                 the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy,
                                 a specialized branch of astrology which
                                 helps people find their perfect place on
                                 earth for love, prosperity, and personal   FEBRUARY 2018
                                 growth. She's also the creator of Easy
                                 Astrology Oracle Cards published by Hay
                                 House. Visit Maya’s website and sign up to   Cusp dates are accurate for 2018. Sometimes the actual date the sun
                                 receive her weekly newsletter.   enters the sign varies by a day or so because of a leap year, or, even
                                       the time of day. I assure you these cusp dates are correct for 2018.
            Aries – (March 20 – April 18) The sun in Aquarius holds a special   Libra – (September 22 – October 22) February begins the 2018
            connection for you, Aries. It’s a time when your practical   eclipse season, and the New Moon solar eclipse of the 15th
            side meets with your mystical one, so listen closely to the   activates your solar 5th house of creativity, romance, and play.
            whispered messages that filter into your sleep. Inspiration   The secret to success here lies in keeping things Light. Stay in
            comes easily, but you’ll have to take decisive action to realize   the moment and don’t get wrapped up in serious foreplay that
            your potential. Tune into your fire energy; ideas come fast and   tries to predict the future. Rather, be mindful that your future
            furiously; the path is right before your eyes; and – help is on   holds even more joy than you can foresee now.
            the way!
                                                                 Scorpio – (October 23 – November 21) No doubt you got the
            Taurus – (April 19 – May 19) Trust in your knowledge and   ‘memo’ about connecting with your deepest desires. Now it’s
            abilities, Taurus. Pallas Athena, the goddess of Excellence is in   time to put the pedal to the metal and manifest your dreams.
            your sign, and she’s speaking to Saturn now. It’s time to stretch  No excuses allowed, Scorpio. Please don’t entertain self-talk
            your self-esteem and move into your true power. I know that   about not being ready and for sure breeze past any negative
            risk is difficult for your fixed earth nature, but it’s time to   stories about your abilities. Jupiter is in your sign until
            move. You must go out on a limb, walk the tightrope, and fill in  November so it’s like your birthday all year long. Celebrate as
            the blanks. You can do this thing; it’s now or never.   you enjoy your hard won victory.

            Gemini – (May 20 – June 20) If you’ve ever considered writing,   Sagittarius – (November 22– December 20) The Light is potent
            February is the perfect time to weave your tale. Fiction or   in this month of magic. There will be situations that demand
            non-fiction – both have value because writing is a tool that   your attention, but be mindful of this unique quality when the
            opens up your creativity and imagination. Self-expression is   distractions are in high gear. You want (and deserve) sweetness
            essential now, Gemini. You may even want to take up dance   now; the flavor of spare time for a walk in nature, the gift
            or painting. This is your season of beauty and inspiration. Give   of an unscheduled afternoon. But, you’ll have to claim your
            breath to your fondest wishes and let your beautiful dreams   leisure time. Do it, Sag.  Remember the magic that is special
            take flight.                                         only to you.

            Cancer – (June 21 – July 21) You need practical tools to help   Capricorn – (December 21 – January 18) Now that you are clear
            fulfill your next step. It may be computer software, or learning  on your motivation, it’s time to dig in and get productive.
            how to do something new on YouTube, but search for practical   The good news is that less is more in this cosmic turn around
            solutions to vexing problems. And, don’t hesitate to hire   season. Those feelings of inadequacy are replaced by the
            someone who specializes in what you need. There is so much   experience of being respected. If only for this month,
            help out there, but you have to first recognize that you need   Capricorn, release your fear. Practice makes perfect. It’s all
            it, and second, ask for assistance. Help is on the way.   about your WHY, and we both know what you know. Open the
                                                                 door and let love in.
            Leo – (July 22 – August 22) Accept the
            blessing of a fresh start, Leo. It’s time to                     Aquarius – (January 19 – February 17) Let the
            move on from old resentments. With the                           Universe reveal your right and perfect next
            new moon solar eclipse opening up your 7th                       step. With a solar eclipse in your sign this
            house of relationships, it’s time for a formal                   month, you can rest assured that the message
            reconciliation. The secret to success is getting                 will get through. This is a powerful time for
            real with your emotions. Pretending things are                   self-examination. One of the blind spots for
            ‘ok’ will not work. You must share how you                       Aquarius is stubbornness. (And you thought that
            really feel; the good, the bad, and even the                     was just Taurus) Don’t just pay lip service to
            ugly.  Do this, and you’re golden.                               having an open mind – rather, become a student
                                                                             of what it really means.
            Virgo – (August 23 – September 21) Your
            sign sits at the focal point of a cosmic in-                     Pisces – (February 18 – March 19) February is
            breath, Virgo. It’s essential to remain calm                     your wild card month, Pisces, and it’s likely
            and observe all that is swirling around you.                     that your life will look different by the end of
            Insight comes through relationships, so pay                      August. You have a special relationship with
            attention to your friends and lovers. You may                    providence, and are probably not surprised
            not like what they have to say, but this input is                when I say that you have a destiny date with
            essential to your effectiveness. This is a great                 fate. Of course, it helps to get in the game.
            moment of clarity. Accept all the good that is                   Reach out to others, and keep your vibes
            coming your way.                                                 impeccable. Everything matters.

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