Page 27 - Horizons-February2018
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ABRAHAM-HICKS                                 YOGA SHAKTI


                           ...continued from page 9                      Sunday 9-10am           YOGA CLASSES
                                                                        Sunshine Lecture            $7 Per Class
                                                                        -Talks on Spiritual       $25/mo unlimited
                                                                            Topics              Monday thru Thursday
                ABRAHAM ON THE VALUE OF CONTRAST IN                                                7:00 - 8:00pm
                       IDENTIFYING WHAT WE WANT:                        First Saturday of
                                                                         month at noon
                                                                       Vegetarian luncheon
            Are you appreciating the environment in which you live with      $10
            all of its variety?  Are you appreciating the contrast of your
            own experience? We want you to feel the perfection of the
            contrast, even the part of the contrast that you don't want
            -- even the part of the contrast that makes you think you must
            be doing something wrong or you would not be living it.                 Ma Yoga Shakti

            We want you to come to understand the perfection and value
            to you - the contrast that causes focus. Because, out of con-  Annual Friends of the
            trast is born the clarity of desire. Without a question there
            cannot be an answer.                                            World Gathering
                                                                            Sunday March 4, 2018
            You don't want to hear this -- but a problem produces a solu-
            tion that puts you into a better place than you were before the   Noon to 4pm in the
            problem occurred. Because you are expansive beings who must
            move forward in order to stay in vibrational harmony with who     Yogashakti Pavilion
            you really are. So, it's not possible for you to stand still.   There will be a variety of cultural dances, music,
                                                                      drama, international food and vendor booths.  We
            But, it is possible to get sort of screwy in your thinking and
            hold yourself in a place of practiced resistance, so that you   hope to provide an atmosphere of openness and
            just don't go with the flow of your own expansion and your own   genuine appreciation of each other’s
            evolution.                                                  special talents and cultural heritage, thereby
                                                                           promoting understanding and friendship
            You get these ideas of who you are and where you wanna be             of all races and cultures.
            and who you wanna be with and how you want it to be and
            what you want it to be like and how you want it to feel and
            that's all part of molding your life into being.

            That's why you are here. You are a creative genius. You are the
            creator of your experience.

                            WHAT IS NORMAL:

            What is normal to you is enthusiasm. What is normal to you is
            laughing a lot. Many, many times a day. Feeling strong and se-
            cure. Feeling so much self confidence, so sure about who you   * Now accepting vendors for the event*
            are, that when you look at others you're always in a position to
            uplift them. What's normal for you is to have so much energy   Contact Shyama
            that at the end of the day you are still looking for things to do.   if you would like a booth (only $15)
                                                                              or you would like to perform.
            Having such a passion for life that you're eager to get together        Yoga Shakti Mission
            with other people to hear about what they're doing, to see if          3895 Hield Road, NW
            it's anything you might want to turn a little of your attention         Palm Bay, FL 32907
            to. To have so much energy at the end of the day that you're
            already eagerly planning tomorrow. Feeling disappointed that              321-725-4024
            the sun goes down and enthusiastic that sun comes up.      

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