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lotsa of hicks articles here
see Ivan Kelley on FB for abraham excerpts by Esmee LeFleur
AbrahamHicks trascriptions here
“The Psychic Psychics Go To”
Abraham is a group of nonphysical teachers,
speaking their broader perspective through True Answers + Real Results
Esther Hicks. Author of Ask & It Is Given,
The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, The
Vortex, Where Law of Attraction Assembles
All Cooperative Relationships and NY Times
Best Seller, Money and the Law of Attraction, Kornucopia 386-963-4898
12093 CR 137 • Wellborn, FL 32094
Tues thru Fri 10am - 5pm, Saturdays 10am - 3pm
MOVING PAST UNWANTED Antiques, Vintage Collectibles, Chime Candles,
CONDITIONS: Sage, Incense, Tarot Cards, Jewelry, Books, More
This reality that you put so much attention on, and
that you feel has so much credence, it is so very
temporary. And you say, "No it isn't, it's not temporary. This
has been hanging on a long time in my life experience." And we
say, it's because you keep giving your attention to it; you keep
renewing your relationship with it in your now. Oh, those are
the best words you're going to ever hear from us or anyone:
You keep renewing your relationship with things by your
attention to them. They cannot go away as long as you are
aware of them, as long as you have a relationship with them.
Spiritual Services with
So the question that you might want to ask yourself is, how can Laura Beers Shift your Mind,
you not give your attention to the things that you don't want Enlighten your Body
to keep renewing your relationship with? How do you make & Connect your Spirit
things go away? You stop maintaining an active relationship
with them, which means, first of all, stop talking about it, but Psychic Medium,
talking about it isn't what's making it come - it's your attention Motivational Speaker,
to it. And there are a lot of things that you give your attention Spiritual Certified Coach,
to that you might not be talking about. Ordained Minister
In Person, Phone, Skype, Groups, will travel
We really want you to hear that it's the way you feel. It's
the way you feel, and it helps right away if you can put the 321-751-4766 By appointment
word 'temporary' around or with the unwanted things in your
experience. Call them temporary.
But then, you're so smart. Esther says, "Yeah, it's been
temporary for about twenty years," which means she's not
making it temporary, she's firming it up; she's making it real; That's going about it backwards. You are off in the weeds - it's
she's making it valid. But the most important thing is, she is not going to happen for you like that. You have to find a way
renewing it into tomorrow. So what you want to decide is what to find the emotional center of things. You have to find a way
you want to give your attention to based upon the way it feels. to become so general about conditions that the specifics that
you've practiced no longer hold you in that faster momentum.
Most of you are feeling because of conditions. And most So what we just said to you is, the more general you are on a
of the world that you know is attempting the impossible, topic, the less momentum it has. The more specific you are on
which is controlling conditions. You continue to do the same a topic, the more momentum it has.
things because you continue to feel the same way. You have
to find different ways of looking at things. And so, if you're There are 6 billion people on this planet. If you pull out of
approaching the way you feel by the conditions that are their influence, what you think is what you live. When you
causing the feelings, now you are strapped, you are tied, really know your connection to Source, the influence of others
you are bound already, because now you've got to control is miniscule. Once you have withdrawn your attention from it,
conditions which you can't control so that you can have better you don’t cross paths with it anymore.
feeling responses to improved conditions.
...continued on page 26...
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