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FROM THE HEART                                         a gift turkey in the mouth, especially when it comes from a
                                                                     Well, bless my giblets. My mother told me never to look

                           Alan Cohen is the author of A Course in Miracles   police officer.
                           Made Easy; mastering the Journey from Fear to      Before I could say, "Gobble, gobble," Lieutenant Joe was
                           Love.  Join Alan and friends in Hawaii, Feb 26 -   standing at my window, hand outstretched with a healthy-
                           March 2 for a rare retreat, Unplugged. Put your   proportioned frozen butterball turkey.
                           devices aside for a few days, liberate yourself      "Wait a minute!" Officer K. called out. "We have to get
                           from technology, and reconnect with yourself   your picture."
                           and your life. For more information about this
                           program, Alan’s books and videos, free daily      I am not making this up.
                           inspirational quotes, online courses, and weekly      So there I sat, under the floodlights of the Maui Police
            radio show, visit                 Holiday Roadblock on Route 31, posing with a dazed smile
                                                                 as Lieutenant Joe handed me, your model safe driver, and
                              OFFICER GOD                        Munchie (in absentia), your model dog, a holiday present that
                Do you believe the universe can take care of all   went beyond any other I had received.
            of your needs in ways far more clever, creative, and      I laughed nearly all the way home. When I walked into my
            miraculous than you can imagine?                     house I held the turkey up before Munchie and told him, "You
                Last Thanksgiving a friend baked a large turkey at my   are one heckuva manifester, mister." He just smiled.
            home, most of which was left over. The real beneficiary of the      Pizza Hut may deliver to your door, but when God deliv-
            day was my dog Munchie (the famous author), who inherited   ers, you won't even have to get out of your car!   Our lives, we
            the treat of eating turkey for a month!  When the turkey ran   discover, are created not so much by little thoughts, but by
            out, he refused to go back to eating dry food (he's no dummy)   intention—  the universe is always mirroring out inner choices.
            and I realized that I would have to get him another turkey.      Recently while I was overnighting at a hotel in South San
            Being a vegetarian, however, I was not thrilled about walking   Francisco, I called my friend Steve to confirm our appoint-
            into Safeway and buying one.                         ment to meet for lunch the next day in Marin. Steve told me
                Not long before then, I was driving along a local highway   that his schedule had changed, and asked if we could meet for
            when I noticed a police car behind me, and I began to feel   breakfast instead. I told him that I would prefer not to have to
            nervous. Although I had not broken any laws, I did not like the   drive through San Francisco rush hour traffic, but since we had
            idea of a cop following me.  I realized that I must have been   not seen each other in a long time, if that was the only time
            harboring some subconscious program about police, so I de-  he could meet, I would be willing to do it. I turned it over to
            cided to reprogram it by affirming, "The police are my friends;   God, and let it go.
            they love me and want to help me." I relaxed into a comfort-     As I drove toward the city the next morning, I was pleased
            able feeling, and let it go.                         to find there was hardly any traffic. I moved through the heart
                One night just after Christmas I approached a police   of San Francisco and into Marin with ease, encountering less
            roadblock, and I was pulled over. "I am officer K. of the Maui   traffic than I have ever experienced in the area. Could it have
            Police Department, and we are checking for drunk drivers.   been a holiday? To my delight, I arrived at the restaurant ten
            May I please see your license and documents?"        minutes early.
                Sure, no problem. I gave the officer my papers, he looked      Steve looked surprised to see me. "How did you get here
            them over, and handed them back to me.               so quickly?" he asked. "I'm surprised you made it at all!"
                "Hey, Joe," I heard him call. "Come over here."      "Why would you think that?" I asked.
                Why does he need Joe? I wondered.                    "Because of the BART [Bay Area Rapid Transit] strike. The
                Officer K. leaned back into my window and asked, "Would  roads are glutted."
            you like a turkey?"                                      I looked past our table to a newspaper rack. The headline
                "Excuse me?"                                     shouted, "BART Strike Cripples Bay Area," accompanied by a
                "We have a turkey for you. Would you like one?"   photo showing the freeways saturated with thousands of cars,
                "Is this some kind of joke?"                     bumper to bumper.
                "No. You are not drunk and your papers are in order. We      I think this was a miracle. I think that when our intention
            would like to give you a turkey as reward."          is pure and we call on a higher power, events on the physi-
                                                                 cal plane are literally reorganized in accord with our need. I
            Rev. Dawn Casseday                                   believe that at every moment each of us lives in the world we
                                                                 create according to our beliefs and expectations, and as we
            Psychic, Clairvoyant, Medium                         release fear and live for love, the universe rearranges itself in
                                                                 favor our desired vision.
             Reiki /Energy Healing,Tarot   Phone                     A Course in Miracles tells us that all that is required for
            Past Life Regression Specialist  readings            a miracle is "a little willingness."  Earlier Jesus told, "If you
                                                                 had enough faith, you could say to this mountain, ‘Be thou
                                         available               removed,' and it would be." If that works for mountains, it can
                386-478-0341                                     certainly work for manifesting a turkey, getting beyond traffic

                                jams and creating anything else your heart desires.  Let us
                                                                 practice knowing that God and love and goodness are present,
                    CASSADAGA                                    and we deserve to live in the kingdom of love even as we walk
                                                                 the earth.
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