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THOUGHTS Friends have been helping me clear my yard of several years’
worth of stacks of branch deadfall. I’d been going around
the property cutting hundreds of palmetto fronds and miles
ABOUT of grapevine so it can all be taken to the street. It’s been 10
years since I cut it back this much but it will grow fast. I’m
THINGS... usually pretty good about putting gloves on when I pick up the
pruners but last week I didn’t. The next day I realized I have
thorn cuts on the tips of each finger of my left hand and OW it
“In the company of one who is living hurts when I type. I can't pretend I didn't know better, I should
Andrea de Michaelis Love, you can’t help but spring into have put on the gloves when I picked up the pruners.
that Love.” - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Publisher in 2016
Last week was a great example of how I shoot myself in my
own foot. It also reminded me how much control I have over
HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE DECEMBER my own experience when I make myself focus. On a crucial
2017 HORIZONS MAGAZINE. As I sat to write my busy magazine day, I had a 10am appt that by 11:15 hadn't
December editorial, I like to recount lessons I've learned the arrived. Even if they showed up NOW, dominoes had begun to
previous 30 days. To do that, I scroll down my Facebook wall fall, other things wouldn't get done on time. I schedule too
and see what I've been bitchen about and what I might learn closely sometimes. I KNOW BETTER. I forget how distracted I
from it. Feel free to give input when I'm missing something. can be waiting for someone to arrive and be gone so I can get
That's what friends are for. They help us purify our character back to work. Especially if it's a pal I want to hang with.
so we can be who we say we are.
Yes, they could have called at 10am to give me a heads up.
ALWAYS ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT But if we "expect" people to do the "right" thing, we can keep
I love it when I do a shout out on Facebook asking for help ourselves pretty miserable. Easier to accept them as they are
with a project and I discover local real life friends who can and cancel if the delay inconveniences. If it doesn't, I need
help. I'm private about having people come onto my property to have the discipline to focus on my work whether I'm keep-
so I'm stoked to discover they are available. Had I not asked, ing an eye on the clock for someone else or not. The answer,
I wouldn't have known. Always ask for what you want, always. which I knew 20 years ago, is to schedule nothing else on
You never know who around you right now has it available for final layout week OR make myself stay focused so nothing
you. Whatever it is. around me disturbs my peace. The easiest answer, of course,
is not always the easiest to do.
...continued on page 29...
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