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COVER ART                                                     REJUVENATE YOUR

                              TRUST                                                      ... from page 16 ..

               by Esmeralda Raven Aponte

                                     Trust, 20”x20”, gouache on canvas.   If you find yourself telling little white lies, or bending the
                                     ‘Trust’ is about having had   truth, for ANY reason, look at the real reason without blam-
                                     our trust compromised at     ing the other person. Is it about them—or you?
                                     some point in our life. These
                                     experiences can be very painful and   Have you done everything you said you would with your day?
                                     can scare you to trust again. But
                                     trust is one of those things that we   Broken promises to yourself are the most damaging because
                                     can’t just skip over. It’s a crucial   they set up self-sabotage patterns. And how can you keep
                                     ingredient in our relationships; I
                                     believe it to be the foundation.   your  integrity with others when you aren’t able to keep it
                                     Without it, it’s really difficult to   with the most important person, yourself?
                                     settle in and just love.
                                                                  While reflecting tonight, review the information you received
                                     Trusting is a decision you must   from these exercises. Journal how being congruent with
                                     make knowing that there aren’t any   integrity could and/or has already impacted your life, and
                                     guarantees and that it is not about   what changes you are making for living your best life with
            finding the perfect, trustworthy person. It is about working through   integrity.
            hurt when it arises.

            If we relate to trust through this perspective, then trusting becomes
            much easier and empowers us to be a little less fearful.
            If we trust ourselves first and foremost, it allows us to deal with the
            mistakes of others with a little more grace and ease.

            When you do, you will be able to offer trust to others too, and it will   YOGA SHAKTI
            serve as the foundation for many long-lasting, loving relationships to
            ‘Trust’ uses symbolism to express these viewpoints. The woman in the  MISSION
            firmly build upon.

            cage protecting herself from hurt yet the cage door is wide open offer-
            ing the choice to trust again. The raven is her suitor patiently waiting
            for her. The red trees are symbolic to the veins in our heart breath-                       YOGA
            ing like a living tree. The path represents her choices. We all need to   First Saturday   CLASSES
            choose a path to walk on to be able to experience living.
                                                                                       at noon          7-8pm
            Esmeralda Raven Aponte is an Australian born, Sydney based surreal       VEGETARIAN         $7 Per Class or
            artist. Her imagery evokes a world of                                    LUNCHEON         $25/month unlimited
            unfolding whimsical stories through                                      $10  donation
            her use of symbolism. She brings to                                      (children free)   Monday thru Thursday
            light roots in Colombian folk and                     Ma Yoga Shakti
            Latino art.
                                                                                  Sunshine Lectures
            Esmeralda finds inspiration through
            her dreams composed of fantastical                                    Sundays 9 - 10am
            creatures and other-worldly settings.                            Talks on Spiritual T opics
            Her beliefs into the mystical forces
            greatly influence her paintings and
            allow her to explore their blending                         YOGA SHAKTI MISSION
            together with the aspects of life. Her
            world full of wonderment expresses                            3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay 32907
            different states of experience and exposes the strong relationship
            between plant, animal and human world.
            To see more of Esmeralda Raven Aponte’s art visit her on         Visit

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