Page 28 - 11-18-Issue redo (1)
P. 28

So what are you going to feel? Surprise and delight about the
                             ABRAHAM-HICKS way that it shows up.
                                                                 But if you're looking for the event to cause the feeling of wor-
                                   ...continued from page 9      thiness, then you're not out ahead of it far enough and it can't

                                                                 If you're looking for the pile of money to drop into your lap
            The pile of money represents freedom, it represents autono-  so that you can feel the freedom and prosperity, then you're
            my, it represents perfect choices - it represents you getting to   not going to get there because you have to be there before it
            choose.                                              comes.
            The feeling of a lover or a partner represents friendship, and   Isn't that interesting?
            what the essence of it is, is someone to play off of, someone
            to parlay your thoughts with.                        That's so annoying - "I have to feel my prosperity before my
                                                                 prosperity can come."
            Co-creation is really the essence that you're going for in that;
            the harmony that you seek is what that's all about.  Yes, you have to find a way to feel prosperous, and then your
                                                                 prosperity will surprise and delight you in so many ways of
            So everything that you want is really for reasons that you can't   rendezvousing, in so many ideas that flow.
            really identify, but the satisfaction that you feel comes as you
            are moving toward these goals and feeling the satisfaction of   You have to talk yourself into feeling the essence of what
            that alignment with the Source within you.           you're looking for.

            If you can come to feel how your Inner Being feels, this is how   And once you've practiced it and you really feel it, people will
            you'll feel — You'll feel eager and ready, you'll feel tuned-in,   say "What are you smiling about all of the time?"
            tapped-in, turned-on and aware, you'll feel eager and satis-
            fied with where you are and eager about what's coming, but   "My prosperity and my lover."
            you'll feel a thirst for the constant surprise and delight of the
            unknown.                                             "Well, I don't see either one of those in your life yet, why are
                                                                 you smiling about it?"
            But the essence of it isn't unknown because you feel secure, so
            that's not unknown, and you feel worthy, so that's not un-  "Because I've got it."
                                                                 "Well, where is it?"
            So as it unfolds, you're not all of a sudden just feeling worthy,
            because you felt worthy before it unfolded, remember?   "It's about to surprise and delight me in ways that I right now
                                                                 know not."
            When you're feeling prosperity and security, you're not going
            to feel prosperity and security because something unfolded,   And they'll just say "Well, you're just crazier than I ever
            because you already felt prosperity and security before it   thought you were before."
            unfolded, remember?

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