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This month’s thoughts                                     HEART OF THE SHAMAN

                                about things...

                            “I want to look back on my life and be giddy with          ...continued from page 8...
                               joy that I was the one who got to live it.”
                                  ... from page 7 ..

            SOME FOLKS THRIVE IN A STRUCTURED SETTING           Then I learned that I could transform the daydreams that
            He functions well in a structured setting and he’s healthier   had held me captive for so many years and had turned into
            with regular meals and sleep. He wrote me when he was   nightmares. This awareness was the real treasure.
            incarcerated 6 years ago, sharing insights for 6 months what
            he was learning about himself through the process. A former   In the Amazon, shamans learn to track in the invisible world
            born again Christian, he can be deeply insightful. When   of the Primordial Light: just as a hunter can track a jaguar
            he'd call, we'd talk about the soul lessons he was learning   through the forest, you can track the masters who can help you
            from his life experiences. He can be charming and uses hu-  find the answers you seek. In a state of non-ordinary awareness,
            mor to get along, so he had no problems 6 months in a SC   the shaman enters the lower world, which is the time-past.
            jail. This will be prison in Florida so he gets to put what he's   Here, the ancestors can help you find where you came from, or
            learned into practice.                              help a patient recover a soul part that they lost as a result of
                                                                trauma long ago in their past.
            Even if it’s all just a made up fantasy to impress whomever   Similarly, the shaman will enter the upper world, which is
            he’s talking to – as I later learned -- he has the capacity   future-time. Here, the masters of tomorrow can help you dis-
            for vision and that is amplified when he’s in a structured   cover who you are becoming, and help you perform a destiny-
            setting. I told him last time that the best thing he can   retrieval, to assist someone who is ill by finding a future healed
            do when people talk about their woes is to help them   state that can guide them toward health.
            reframe what happened to see it in a different light. A
            light that helps them learn something about themselves,   In the high mountains of the Andes, you learn to transform your
            offers a course correction and gives them hope for a fu-  nightmares through the experience of the Primordial Light. The
            ture. Never deny someone hope, it may be all they have.  Andean path is arduous, because the Indios there had to learn
                                                                to transform the nightmare of the Spanish Conquest into a gift
            WE ALL NEED TO FEEL A SENSE OF PURPOSE              and an opportunity. They had to learn to forgive their enemies,
            When he began seeing himself in a teacher/mentor role   the ones who had raped their mothers and grandmothers.
            while in custody last time, that gave him a purpose, Helping
            others gave him a mission and hope for the future. So I’m   The Amazon path requires a living teacher who can help you to
            sure he’ll revert back to that. He’s a chameleon.   navigate through the realms of the ancestors and the unborn.
                                                                The beings you meet along the way can help you discover the
            NEW LEVEL, NEW DEVIL                                Primordial Light and find your sacred dream. They can help
            Every time your world changes and you reach a new level, it   with experiences that oftentimes contradict the beliefs you
            presents you with new "devils" to contend with. But when-  have been taught.
            ever you're presented with new challenges, you are also
            presented with guidance to overcome them. So consider   I have a friend who is a Buddhist master, a Roshi. One Sunday
            that whenever you're observing what you think is a "devil,"   at his monastery we sat in cross-legged meditation for an hour.
            is simply an angel taking you to a new level.       After a short while, I entered a peaceful reverie, following my
                                                                breath in and out of my chest. In my shamanic training, I have
            YOU DON’T WANT JUSTICE, YOU WANT MERCY              learned that meditation is a platform from which to explore the
            Don't be screaming for justice, when what you really want is   Primordial Light. As I scanned the room with my inner vision, I
            mercy. Go ahead and play the system                 noticed a half dozen luminous beings along the walls of the hall.
            if you think you can get away with it               They were dressed like monks in silken robes and were joining
            but be prepared for the karmic conse-               us in meditation. Occasionally, one of them would waft to the
            quences. You know deep in your own                  center of the room and reach out to someone in a gesture of
            soul the truth of the matter.                       blessing or of healing. They seemed amused that I was observing
            It’s been an eye opening month. I feel
            freer than I have in a long time. A good            After the session, when we were alone, I mentioned this to Ro-
            lesson in not letting people or circum-             shi, and he replied sternly, “In Zen we do not pay attention to
            stances keep me down, that I can be                 phenomena. We consider it a distraction.” I felt myself gently
            happy no matter what. Life is good.                 rebuffed and moved on to other topics.

            Enjoy our offering this month.   Andrea                                        ...continued on page 29...
            Hari Om.
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