Page 31 - 10-18-Issue
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COVER ART                                                      REJUVENATE YOUR

                             COMPANION                                                   ... from page 16 ..
                 by Esmeralda Raven Aponte

                                             Companion. 8”x8”,   You may want to post these affirmtions in your environment so
                                             gouache on canvas.  you can visually reinforce your new knowingness.
                                             My painting Com-    Eliminate these words from your thought patterns.
                                             panion is about our   Place a rubber band around your wrist for the day. Each time
                                             relationship with lov-  you find yourself thinking or saying, "woulda, shoulda, coulda,"
                                             ing pets. Animals play   snap the rubber band and say "cancel, cancel."
                                             an important role in
                                             many people’s lives.   Then replace that thought with a positive affirmation.
                                             They are valued as   "This is where I am supposed to be in my life at this time."
                                             companions and can   This ensures that you are living consciously your best life in
                                             certainly affect the   the moment.
                                             quality of our lives.
                                             It is companionship   Before going to sleep tonight, reflect on your day. Did the
                                             that is beneficial to   rubber band help to keep you on track? Do you understand the
                                             our health. Some    lessons from your past in a new way?
                                             studies have found
                                             that people who have   Write your feelings and thoughts about the day and how your
                                             a pet have healthier   new attitude affected the events of the day.
            hearts, stay home sick less often, make fewer visits to the
            doctor, get more exercise, and are less depressed. Pets may
            improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and regulat-
            for loneliness, and gives us loving companions to care for, we  YOGA SHAKTI
            ing the heart rate during stressful situations. Whether it is pet
            ownership that gives us cause to exercise, offers an antidote
            recognize that animals can influence not just our happiness
            but also our health.                                  MISSION

            Esmeralda Raven Aponte is an Australian born, Sydney based
            surreal artist. Her imagery evokes a world of unfolding whimsi-                             YOGA
            cal stories through her use of symbolism. She brings to light
            roots in Colombian folk and Latino art.                                 First Saturday   CLASSES
                                                                                       at noon
            Esmeralda finds inspiration                                              VEGETARIAN         7-8pm
                                                                                                        $7 Per Class or
            through her dreams composed of                                           LUNCHEON         $25/month unlimited
            fantastical creatures and other-                                         $10  donation
            worldly settings. Her beliefs                                            (children free)   Monday thru Thursday
            into the mystical forces greatly                      Ma Yoga Shakti
            influence her paintings and allow
            her to explore their blending                                         Sunshine Lectures
            together with the aspects of life.                                    Sundays 9 - 10am
            Her world full of wonderment                                     Talks on Spiritual T opics
            expresses different states of ex-
            perience and exposes the strong
            relationship between plant,                                 YOGA SHAKTI MISSION
            animal and human world.
                                                                          3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay 32907
            To see more of Esmeralda Raven Aponte’s art visit her on

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