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are vibrational, and you begin looking at the world through
                             ABRAHAM-HICKS those vibrational eyes, then you realize that all things are
                                   ...continued from page 9      Instead of talking about a condition or a pile of food or a pie,
                                                                 let’s talk about clarity; let’s talk about clarity as the prize you
                                                                 are seeking. As you are discovering your own clarity, you real-
                                                                 ize that you don’t deprive anyone else of clarity. When you’re
                 Abraham on Why A Lot of People                  happy, you don’t deprive anyone else of happy. The Universe
                                                                 yields to you all that you can allow yourself to receive on all
                    Have Scarcity Consciousness                  subjects. There are no new anythings being trucked in from
                                                                 other planets; there’s not a pipeline of anything. There is just
            You're not trucking in resources from other planets, there's not  a regeneration of all things; a rejuvenation, a replenishment
            a pipeline from someplace else that is causing the expansion   of all things.
            of your economy or your reality. You are creating it from the
            vibration from your mind. You are creating it from the very be- So let’s take the subject of vitality or clarity, that subject of
            ingness of that which you are. You are creators in the way that  alignment, and feel for a moment what it like to be tuned
            this Earth has come into existence and is spinning in its orbit   in and feeling all of that. Let’s say, for example, that you’re
            in perfect proximity to other planets. In other words, you are   standing in a place of somewhat clarity, and someone comes to
            creators of genius importance and you don't even know it.  you and they need something from you, and you want to uplift
                                                                 them as best you can. So you give service in the best way that
            A lot of people have scarcity consciousness and it comes from   you can, and they feel some relief from the service that you
            not understanding the expansiveness that is you. And it is re-  have given them.
            ally a very shortsighted perspective.
                                                                 But then there is another, and another, and another, and
            And by that we mean it’s looking at this pie or this pile that   another, so, because you are determined to be the source
            surrounds you, and noticing that if you take a slice, then there  through their wellbeing flows, you don’t replenish yourself,
            is one less slice for someone else to have.          and, instead, you’re doing your best to give them whatever
                                                                 nurturing that they need, but you don’t replenish yourself. In
            But when you step back, when you allow yourself to tap into   time, you are depleted; there is nothing more for you to give.
            that broader perspective, then you realize there’s always   But if you are understanding that you have the ability to stay
            another pie, and another and another and another; you reach   in that state of replenishment, then you realize that there is
            this place where you realize that there is not waste and there   no ending to the vitality and the clarity that is yours.
            is no shortage, because this time-space reality is fertile with
            the seeds of the more that you have been asking for.   ~All things are like that. There’s no ending to the Abundance
                                                                 that this time-space reality will produce and will provide, but
            So scarcity is not about not enough manifestation, it’s about   you have to be in vibrational sync with it in order to allow
            vibrational mismatches that disallow you from receiving the   yourself to be the conscious receiver of it. Is it easier for you
            abundance that you have asked for.                   to think about accomplishing clarity than it is about accom-
                                                                 plishing a condition? And so is it easier for you to think about
            Scarcity is only experienced by those who misunderstand   alignment for the world than it is feeding the world? And yet
            creation, and who are looking at conditions and trying to figure  it doesn’t take many who are in alignment for the world to be
            things out from that vantage point. When you accept that you   fed.

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