Page 27 - 10-18-Issue
P. 27

This month’s thoughts                                             UNCOVER THE

                                about things...                                               DAYDREAMS

                            “I want to look back on my life and be giddy with               HOLDING YOU
                               joy that I was the one who got to live it.”
                           ... from page 7 ..                                             ...continued from page 8...

                                                                 When the servant returned, he reported that the dragon
                 TROUBLES COME TO PASS, NOT TO STAY              indeed was very fierce and that the length of the chain was
            Troubles don't come to stay, troubles come to pass. Unless   30 paces.  The prince ordered his servant to secure a rope 30
            you keep bringing them back to mind. You may not have con-  paces long, and to tie it to the trunk of the tall tree after mak-
            trol over what thoughts come to mind, but you have complete   ing a noose at one end. He then collected a bag of jewels from
            control over what thoughts you allow yourself to think repeat-  his father and returned to the castle to rescue the princess.
            edly, over and over and over and over and over and over.
                                                                 He dangled the shining jewels before the dragon, and as we
            IT TAKES JUST A MOMENT TO ANSWER A QUESTION          all know, dragons are very curious creatures. The beast fell for
            A Facebook friend wrote "Tell me something and if you’re   the trick, and as he drew near the sparkling jewels his head
            right I’ll have a reading." Don't play test the psychic. You   got caught in the noose. With the dragon no longer blocking his
            wouldn’t go to a doctor and say “tell me what’s wrong before   way, the prince called the princess to jump from the tower. He
            I tell you my symptoms.” You wouldn’t tell a plumber “fix   caught her in his arms. He was surprised that she was light as
            stuff but I’m not gonna tell you where the leaks are.”   a feather. He helped her onto the back of his horse, and they
                                                                 rode to his father’s castle. His father was very happy to meet
            ANDREA’S THOUGHTS ON THAT:  If it's someone new, I   his future daughter-in-law, he arranged a sumptuous wed-
            feel like it just takes a moment to tell them a few words that   ding for them, and they lived happily ever after in his father’s
            are evidencial and meaningful to them specifically. A psychic   castle.
            can do this.
                                                                 When Roger read his story, I was immediately struck by the
            A friend's sister asked me a month ago if I had time to do a   gifts and traps that it announced. This seemed to be a love
            reading for her and I did not. But I wanted to give her some-  story, yet it was devoid of love.
            thing to tide her over. I sent out the usual thought 'give me
            something to give her and also something hopeful.' I got the   The prince was more concerned with the engineering details
            immediate answer and asked "Is an out-of-state work opportu-  that went into trapping the dragon and rescuing the princess
            nity happening?" It was. "It feels like it will be a very success-  than in getting to know her. This approach would not bode well
            ful move and an easy transition," I told her. The entire conver-  for his next relationship. And while it is perfectly valid for a
            sation took less than 2 minutes. If you want to amp up your   young man to make sure that his father approves of his bride-
            own spidey sense, all it takes is practice, practice, practice.  to-be, a mature man would want to make sure he ended up
                                                                 with a bride he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. This
            I FOUND WHERE THE YELLOW JACKET NEST MOVED           might not necessarily be someone everyone approved of.
            Remember the yellow jacket nest of last year? I found where
            it moved to! Last month I got bit by a dozen yellow jackets as   You also want to make sure you offer your jewels to your
            I moved a lawn chair at the base of a pine tree disturbing the   beloved, and that you do not spend all your treasures in having
            nest hidden beneath the pine needles.  They got me good. A   to rescue her from jail. I pointed out to Roger that he would
            week later I developed a bout of serum sickness that left me   have a lot of educating to do with his new bride, who had been
            feeling flu-like for another 10 days. I'm glad I've got a strong   imprisoned for the better part of her life. Did he really think
            immune system so whenever I get something, it moves thru   he could be happy with a woman who had been locked up all
            me quickly.                                          of her youth and probably had very few social skills?

                  BEING HOPEFUL DURING A HURRICANE               I asked Roger how the prince knew that the princess wanted
            I got a little heck from a friend who thought I was diminish-  out of the tower. And even if she did want to escape, how
            ing the importance of hurricane preparation when I’d say to   could he possibly know that she wanted to live with him for-
            be hopeful about the storm. Positive thinking doesn’t mean   ever, even if she was grateful for his rescuing her? As it turns
            look at the raging storm and deny it’s happening. Positive   out, princesses often have minds of their own, a character
            thinking means look for the rainbow, know the storm will   trait sometimes overlooked in traditional fairy tales.
            pass and until then spend your time in happy pursuits,
            remembering what's good, planning a hopeful future.    Roger’s story described a road to disaster. This would be a very
                                                                 short-lived dream of love. It would quickly turn into a night-
            Enjoy our offering this month.   Andrea              mare, and it would leave him without a sense of who he was at
            Hari Om.                                             this stage in his life and where he was going next.
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