Page 29 - 10-18-Issue
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DEAR                                             CASSADAGA

                             WHITEDOVE                                       HOTEL & PSYCHIC CENTER

                                                                             355 Cassadaga Road • Cassadaga 32706
                                                                    If you are looking for answers,  call for an appt
                                                                       with one of our gifted psychic mediums
                                  ...continued from page 15...
                                                                    Always auditioning experienced psychic mediums who
                                                                   specialize in spirit contact.  English/Spanish a plus. Send
            Dear Michelle,                                          resume with references to
            I deal with two really miserable people in my life. Nothing
            makes them happy. They are overly critical. One is a relative
            and when we went on vacation she made a long list of every
            detail that she was unhappy about. She complained about ev-
            erything! She nitpicked and complained to the hotel manager,
            hotel maids, restaurant wait staff and cab driver, too.                               Explore the Psychic
                                                                                                     and Spiritual
            In reality, it was a good trip that could have been a wonderful                        Universe with us!
            trip if I wasn’t subjected to all of her constant whining!  Why                         Metaphysical
            are people so miserable?                                                               speakers, healers,
                                                                                                   teachers, more.
            Dearest,                                                                                Psychic fairs.
                                                                  321-474-7348                      We meet in the Band
            When people are truly unhappy, it’s because one key element                              Room behind the
            is missing from their lives. The lack of feeling loved uncondi-  Email  Melbourne Auditorium
            tionally. The solution is as basic as that… unconditional love   $3 fee  SUNDAYS 7 - 8:45pm    at 1924 Melody Lane,
                                                                                                   Melbourne, FL 32901
            transcends all things, it fills us up. Humans crave love.
            But people don't know the difference between unconditional   So to break this pattern in your family, you are going to have
            love and love that is  based on conditions: you give me this,   to love harder! Accept their faults but ask them to work on
            then you will receive love.                          them. Forgiveness is part of the equation.  You have to show
                                                                 love even when it’s undeserved. Your consistency will create
            Unconditional love means you take the good, the bad, the ugly   change. Remember love is an action word – so if you practice
            and yes, its inconvenient sometimes. You won’t always see eye-  you will succeed. We come here to earth to learn how to give
            to-eye, unconditional love is true love, and it is a conscious   love and to learn how to receive love. So get to work and Love
            decision.                                            Without Limits.

             WOMEN’S RETREAT December 7-9 2018

             LEARNING THE TRUE SELF: A Divine Feminine Empowerment Course. More intense study to follow 2019.
             Open the door to your own inner psyche. Learn tools and techniques to help you develop all that you are destined to
             be. Join us for one weekend of intense psychic and self-improvement courses. Release your past to face the future by
             becoming the true you. We shall help you unlock the power within.  The cost is $1250. Included in the retreat is a room,
             with breakfast and lunch included both Saturday and
             Sunday.  There will be a total of 6 classes, a Reiki fire
             manifestation circle, more. Held at the world famous
             historic Hotel Cassadaga, this retreat is by RSVP only.
                         HOTEL CASSADAGA
                         355 Cassadaga Rd
                         Cassadaga, FL 32706

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