Page 20 - Horizon October 2017
P. 20


                             Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of Chakra Awakening; Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones; the Essential
                             Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing; the Crystal Intentions Oracle; Masters, Mystics, Saints and Gemstone
                             Guardians Cards and more. She is a spiritual entrepreneur, aromatherapist, and the owner of The Crystal Garden — a
                             bookstore, in southeast Florida.  Find out more about Margaret Ann at; www.TheCrystalGar-
                   ; and or email at


            Are you ready to be creative?  You are always about   to be. You are aligned with
            to create something. It might be a delicious meal. Or   the magnificence and the
            perhaps you want to rearrange your living room or your desk.   courage to show yourself in
            You are always fertile with good ideas. Pause long enough to   your fullest splendor!
            allow the inspiration come through. Once it does, grab a piece
            of carnelian to help you make it come into reality with a bit of  Carnelian and cinnamon
            cinnamon to spice things up.                         are perfect to improve your
                                                                 visualization skills. If you
            Carnelian carries the vibration of creativity to help you give   can imagine it, you can do
            birth to new projects. The orange color with its warmth and   it! Whatever you focus on,
            vibrancy acts as a catalyst to activate the motivation and cour-  ardently desire, and ardently work toward has no choice but to
            age to bring it into manifest reality.               become manifest reality! Whether you are growing your busi-
                                                                 ness or ready to conceive and give birth to a child, use tools as
            Inhale cinnamon essential oil to unblock the energy you call   allies for your creative spirit.
            “blocks.” It will help you to move beyond the perception that
            something is standing in the way of your goals. Cinnamon   USE THIS AFFIRMATION:
            essential oil raises your confidence and self-esteem. Let your   Creativity flows through me in a myriad of ways. I am
            inspiration flow and generate your insight into manifest real-  courageous and bravely bring my ideas into actuality. My
            ity. Recognize and decide that now is a time of prosperity and   imagination is the key to my success. I envision my future
            purpose and that prosperity is always available to you. You are   and joyfully participate as it unfolds.
            ready to step into your power and be all that you were meant


                              Cinnamon                               Orange
                              • increases awareness                  • helps you connect with ideas
                              • allows one to think
                               outside the box
                              • helps remove blocks
                               between you and your                  • enlivens you and brings you
                               goals                                   joy along with a sense of calm

                          These also make a great                                           From the creator of
                      blend to diffuse in your home.                                      Smudge in Spray
              2610 N. 2610 N.
              2610 N. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, FL 33435  •  1-877-444-5099  •  www.TheCrystalGarden.comFederal Highway, Boynton Beach, FL 33435  •  1-877-444-5099  •  www.TheCrystalGarden.comFederal Highway, Boynton Beach, FL 33435  •  1-877-444-5099  •  www.TheCrystalGarden.comFederal Highway, Boynton Beach, FL 33435  •  1-877-444-5099  •
              2610 N.

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