Page 16 - Horizon October 2017
P. 16

I find Facebook a great way to stay in touch with friends who
                          This month’s thoughts  I don't get to see in person. when I sign on, it's like stepping
                                about things...                  into a party with all my friends and we can have some good
                                                                 conversations. So when I saw a few friends freaking out about
                            “I want to look back on my life and be giddy with   the upcoming storm because they'd been glued to the weather
                               joy that I was the one who got to live it.”   news, I was glad to be a voice of reason, sharing what others
                                                                 were sharing with me.
                                     ... from page 7 ..
                                                                 "Please share to calm unnecessary fears. Hurricane Matthew
                                                                 last year reminds us that a huge Category 5  with 165 winds
            Local friends were talking about heading to Orlando since   can come ashore with only 109 winds affecting us. That can
            we're 12 miles from the ocean. I've learned I can't count on   happen here, too. Hurricane Matthew was a Cat 5 and began
            anyone else to make a plan for me. I gave myself anxiety over   disspating and slowing down just before it got to us.
            it. Whether it's someone else's anxiety I'm picking up on or
            my own, the fact remains that while it's with me, it's up to   When they say a hurricane is 500 miles wide and 185 mph,
            me to keep myself calm enough to stay attuned to inner guid-  that doesn't mean the entire storm is moving 185 mph.  Ex-
            ance and ease through it. I know we can't count on cell phone   ample: Hurricane Irma, the eye is 60 miles in diameter. A FEW
            service during the 12 hours the storm will roar overnight so I   MILES OUTSIDE of that is where the 185 mph winds are. NOT
            need to be prepared to keep calm and occupied during what is  all 500 miles of the entire storm."  As it turned out, we only
            always a sleepless night.  My experience is if I can keep myself  got winds of 60mph, which was fast and loud enough, as it ran
            in uplifted thought, then even if we got a direct hit from the   up the state just west of Orlando.
            storm and things get taken down around me, somehow I'll be
            ok. And just one friend saying something encouraging enough   HERE ARE MY FACEBOOK POSTS IN REAL TIME
            to me can ease my fear long enough to let some guidance in   I'm sharing these not simply to show you how I remained hope-
            to put me in the right place at the right time. That's why it's a   ful in a time of distress, but because I only got wi-fi back on
            mission of mine to be that encouraging voice to others.  yesterday and the magazine is due at the printer in 4 days.

            Disasters in the news don't shock me. I don't get in discussions   IRMA WILL BE ANOTHER MATTHEW
            about them. If I can help somewhere, I do. If I can't, I focus   I reminded on Facebook that on 9-28-16 Hurricane Matthew
            elsewhere and get out of the way of those who are called to   formed as a Category 5 with 165mph winds. Winds died to 145
            that holy duty. Don't complain about it and join everyone else   as it crossed Cuba and the Bahamas. Winds fell even lower
            in the chain of pain with you. Do something to help it or focus   as it moved up the east coast, bringing 109 winds to Brevard
            on something happier.  I planned (ha!) to spend the hurricane   County on 10-6-16. The same can happen here. We got power
            time painting but it turned into a night of kitten management.  back pretty fast after Matthew. I'm hopeful.  READ THIS AND
                                                                 REMEMBER it can change course at last minute and lose force.
            In the week before the storm, I focused on practical stuff. I   Hold the vision with me?
            sent out invoices and paid bills ahead of time anticipating I'd
            have my mind on clean up afterward. I checked my inventory   It helps calm me to hold a vision and I like inviting friends to
            of cat food, cat litter, water, headlamps, weather radio, bat-  hold a vision with me. it gives us all something to do together
            teries. I assessed the freezer situation to free up space for   when we can't do anything else together :)
            containers of water. In case we lose power for days, ahead of
            the storm I place frozen foods in plastic bags that are easy to   AFTER IRMA HIT THE CARIBBEAN ISLANDS
            lift out to discard if need be.  As it turned out, I donated my   I got hopeful for Florida after glancing at the photos of the
            freezer full of foods to a friend who has a family and a genera-  Caribbean islands the day AFTER being directly hit by Irma as
            tor to keep it all cold. I could have lost it otherwise, but it   a CAT 5.  The photos are encouraging because even though the
            turns out we did not lose power. With more space in the freez-  news says it is "complete devastation," it is NOT as there are
            er, I filled gallon ziplock baggies with water to have a stockpile  a MANY buildings still standing or partially standing. A friend
            of ice if I needed it. Back when I was a carcass eater, I had a   in Puerto Rico lost power and one banana tree. Be prepared,
            freezer full of steaks and chops that I lost when we lost power   stay safe but don't believe the hype. It was after this report
            for 8 days after Hurricane Frances in 2004. I replenished the   that I stopped listening to what the forecaster said and did my
            cache just in time to lose it all a month later in Hurricane   own research and came to my own conclusions.
            Jeanne when power was down for another 8 days. An expen-
            sive lesson.                                         St. Barts, St. Martin, Anguilla and the Virgin Islands were hit
                                                                 head-on as a CAT5 and they have far less stringent building
            I got the important insurance and client files in order in plastic  codes than we do. So even if the worst-case scenario happens,
            tubs and took pics of my equipment. I suggested on Facebook   which it looks like it will certainly NOT be, get yourself inside
            that if you're driving north, you might want to ask your out   a boarded-up home and hang tight. Stay hopeful. Know that
            of state hosts to pick up a few gallons of gas for you so you   miracles happen every day somewhere, might as well be here.
            can return home. I know the more can do tobe productive
            and keep myself in the Now moment and in a good and hope-          ...continued on page 26...
            ful state of mind, the greater chance I'll be lead to safety. it
            hasn't failed me yet.
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