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HOROSCOPES                                       COVER ART

                      JANUARY 2018                                  Divine Child by Holly Sierra


            Scorpio – (October 24 – November 22) Surely the stars
            have come together to make you one of them, Scorpio. It’s
            your graduation year – time for your gifts and talents to unite
            with your hopes and dreams. There are two things that Scorpio
            must always keep in mind when facing success. The first is: do
            not look back. And secondly – do not self-destruct as you move
            forward.  Both are dark shadows for your sign. Celebrate the
            gift of the Present; you are unstoppable.

            Sagittarius – (November 23– December 21) Keep the
            phrase ‘Less is More’ in mind as you move through the days of
            2018.  There is a change in the wind, you know – when Saturn
            moved out of your sign last December it set the tone for a
            new and improved year ahead. You’ve learned the lessons of
            Old Saturn, and now move ahead as his freshly born child –
            wise, yet innocent.  This translates into things such as: Less
            work, more play; less responsibility, more freedom; all leading
            to fewer problems and more happiness.
                                                                  The Divine Child is an important Archetype in Jungian psychology.
            Capricorn – (December 22 – January 20) The season of   The Divine Child can represent a longing for innocence and childish
                                                                  freedom, as well as an important stepping stone towards our poten-
            your birth is during the Solstice, a sacred and special time   tial future. My Divine Child sits within a sea shell, as does Botticelli’s
            on earth. And, you were born to leadership combined with   Venus. The shell and the butterflies represent rebirth and the candle
            wisdom. However, just like the stories of old– you must claim   illuminates the path 'the personality takes in its development from
            your authority. There will be a test of power early on in the   primordial unconsciousness to ego consciousness to self.'
            New Year; you’ll be presented with a choice that sets the tone
            for all of 2018. Remain confident, stay true to yourself, and
            it’ll be a great year.                                       ABOUT THE ARTIST

            Aquarius – (January 21 – February 19) This year delivers               Holly Sierra’s illustrations speak of that
            a change of status for you, Aquarius. This can pertain to your
            personal or professional life. Don’t get stuck on an idea of           which is visually enchanting with par-
            how you used to want things to look – keep your heart, mind,           ticular attention to decorative, mysti-
            and soul in the present moment. You may find that a change             cal, historical and multicultural themes.
            of residence suits your next step, or, that it’s time for a new        Holly Sierra now makes her home in
            line of work. Apply systematic change rather than wholesale            colorful Sedona, Arizona and finds the
            confusion by taking necessary steps at the right time.                 area very inspirational to her new work.
                                                                                   Starts with scenery that makes your
            Pisces – (February 20 – March 20) Your secret ally for                 heart leap...Sedona is nestled amidst
            2018 is Chiron, the Shaman, mentor, and wounded healer of              a geological wonderland.  Multi-hued
            astrology. Chiron has been in your sign since 2011 – for 7 years,      stone formations rise upwards from the
            and in April of 2018 he moves into Aries. This is an indicator   high desert floor creating a vivid, mesmerizing setting that
            that much of your deep healing work has been completed.   changes hourly with the light. Regarded by Native Americans
            Uncertainty is replaced with a deep sense of knowing, anxiety   as sacred, Sedona continues to be recognized as a place of
            transformed into connection with your healing path. There will   healing and spiritual renewal. Many come to experience the
            be less chaos and more peace. You are whole.          vortex energy centers, others to explore the art galleries and
                                                                  healing centers. Holly is often found hiking or four wheeling
                                                                  amongst the Red Rocks, if she is not busy attending a gallery
                                                                  opening or supplying a local shop with Chrysalis Tarot Decks,
                                                                  Greeting Cards or Canvas Prints!  Holly’s daughters, Gabi and
                                                                  Esme, as well as Pearl, a beautiful grey cat, help keep her
                                                                  company. Email and see her work at

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