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This month’s thoughts                   MIND YOU all this was in Ben's mind, Sam was outside. But
                                                                 Ben has so conditioned himself that Sam is lurking, waiting to
                               about things...                   confront him, that Ben's automatic reaction is to look around
                                                                 and find Sam who, historically, has been the source of con-
                            “I want to look back on my life and be giddy with   frontation. And trouble. Wait, truth be told, there would be
                              joy that I was the one who got to live it.”
                                                                 no trouble if Ben didn't react when Sam walks up on him
                                    ... from page 7 ..           for an innocent sniff. But I've seen it over and over. Ben is
                                                                 Chicken Little. Sam walks up and as soon as Ben sees him, he
                                                                 begins growling and hissing. But he also does it when he sees
            It's kind of exciting acclimating to the other end of the house.   Sam across the room sometimes. Pore Ben has created his
            Everything is different, which keeps me more alert and aware.   own Hell. Ever do that? Unless he chills out, he'll always find
            Change is good.                                      someone to blame stuff on and be afraid of.

            BUT NOT EVERYONE LIKES CHANGE. BENNY THE             One difference between Benny and Sam is that Sam thinks
            CAT SURE DOESN’T. Tuxedo Sam gets tossed out before   the screen on the window is a barrier. Benny's past experience
            meditation each morning. That gives Ben the run of the house   tells him the screen is a barrier only as long as he thinks the
            on his own for an hour. He's so used to Sam sneaking up on   screen is a barrier. Ever do that?
            him that he's always on the alert and now he's imagining him
            sneaking up on him also. Last week while I worked finishing   A PARTING THOUGHT. One unforeseen benefit of the new
            my bedroom move, I brought Ben into the room with me and   administration is that it began a avalanche of people tired of
            closed the door while I hung up the privacy dark out curtain   being quiet about taking abuse and assault in silence. It has
            and bolted in the headboard. Ben settled atop the bed.  begun to bring to light a injustice that has been going on far
                                                                 too long and exposing the vulnerabilities and strength of our
            But SUDDENLY he jumped and hissed when the hammer fell   Republic. I'm hopeful for the changes that will come about as a
            to the floor. THEN he decided that it was Sam's fault and that   result of what's been put in motion. Wheels are turning.
            Sam was on the other side of the door. Ben began skulking
            down looking under the door and hissing. I petted his back and   Enjoy our offering this month. Hari Om.  Andrea
            he snarled in a hissy fit and nabbed me with a claw.

                                                                                 NEW YEAR’S RETREAT
              YOGA SHAKTI                                                    DECEMBER 29TH -31ST 2017

             MISSION                                                      national Mission) in New York. She is a dedicated disciple
                                                                           Wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita. Ma Mokshapriya Shakti
                                                                            is the dynamic Acharya of MYSIM (Ma Yogashakti Inter-
                                                                           of Ma Yogashakti. Her teachings are full of wisdom. We
                                                                          will focus on how to use Gita in our daily lives. The teach-
                                Sunshine Lectures                          ings of Gita apply to every moment of our existence. We
                                                                               want a “user friendly” Gita.
                                 Sundays 9 - 10am             RETREAT TO ANOTHER WORLD. Spend a weekend in the wooded

                                        Talks on              seclusion of Yogashakti Mission, Palm Bay, Florida. This Ashram was cre-
                                                              ated by Ma Yogashakti and purified and energized by her. Learn medita-
                                   Spiritual T opics          tion; Take part in 3 Hatha Yoga classes; Learn Deep Relaxation. Six home-
                                                              cooked vegetarian meal will be provided. Accommodation is shared or you
                                                              may prefer to bring a tent, or sleep in the beautiful screened in pavilion.
              Ma Yoga Shakti                                  · REGISTRATION: In advance before December 1st - $120 per person,
                                                              families $170. At the door $130 per person or $190 families.
                                                              · WHEN: 4 pm on 29th December–until 2 pm on 31st December 2017
                                                              · WHERE: Yogashakti Mission 3895 Hield Road, Palm Bay FL 32907.
                       First Saturday at noon                 · MEALS: Delicious, wholesome home-cooked vegetarian meals.
                      VEGETARIAN LUNCHEON                     · WHAT TO BRING: Sleeping pad or blankets and sheets, loose comfort-
                                                              able clothes, towel, yoga mat, pen and notebook.
                     $10  donation (children free)            E-MAIL: to register or call 321-725-4024
                       YOGA CLASSES  7-8pm
                 $7 Per Class or $25/month unlimited                                   YOGA SHAKTI MISSION
                       Monday thru Thursday
                                                                                     3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay 32907
                 TAI CHI Sundays 5-6pm 1st class free       321-725-4024  

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