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And so, as humans are less connected, and therefore less 3. MEET THEM IN A VISUALIZATION.
supported and less refreshed, and therefore more vulner- After my Gran passed away, I lay down on my bedroom
able, and therefore more defensive, you fight more. floor, sprinkled some lavender essential oil around myself,
and closed my eyes. Immediately I was transported to a
So the uncomfortable place that you sometimes think garden in my mind, and my Gran was there. She hugged
you are in - you're really not because it's all good, it's all me tight, and we talked about many things. If you’re
contrast, it's all moving forwards, but specifically to this ready to meet your loved one in Spirit again, it can be
question. So you got one foot in the world that says… 'We a very moving and profound experience. Just close your
are better as a community, because it's hard to live alone.' eyes and let yourself be taken to where they are. Speak
with them, listen to them, and enjoy feeling the love you
There are a few of you who really wanna go out and pick shared once more.
berries and eat rattlesnakes. Socialization just serves you.
You have more comfort in your life when you work together. 4. SET A PLACE FOR THEM AT THE TABLE.
During the holidays, and on special occasions, we set an
And so socialization has so many benefits that you choose extra place at the dinner table in remembrance of our
socialization. But it has what you feel is not a benefit in family in Spirit, and to welcome them to our celebrations.
that now you gotta compromise. Now you gotta make room Doing so has often helped me feel that they are still a
for the others. Now you've gotta make room for others' part of our family, and our lives. This simple gesture can
ideas. Now you gotta let what they think matters be impor- also help to open up conversation, nostalgia and reminis-
tant too. cence about your loved one. Talking about them amongst
an environment of celebration and gratitude can be a
And so, you're finding that balance, and the beasts of your way to help other family members who may have been
planet who are in the wild don't have to find that balance. struggling, to open up about how they feel. Personally, I
But the beasts that are domesticated, like the humans, are believe that having loving conversations about our friends
having to find that balance. and family in Spirit brings healing to all concerned.
The short version of that, that we've been telling for all of 5. GO ON A BIG, BOLD ADVENTURE.
these years is that, animals in the wild are more connected Your loved-ones in Spirit live on through you, and they
to source; the domesticated animals begin to act more like see the world through your eyes. When you go on an
you. adventure, so do they. Take that trip you’ve always talked
about. Go do that thing that thrills you and scares you.
So, to answer the animals' question to you? 'Why do you Tell that special person how you really feel, eat that food
fight with each other?' What's the answer? 'We feel vulner- you’ve never tried, and enjoy new and much-dreamed-of
able.' experiences. When someone we love passes away, it can
be so tempting to make ourselves and our lives smaller,
'We feel vulnerable and we have shortage consciousness.' because we don’t want to seem insensitive, and we have
And the animals say, 'We knew that was what you'd say.' guilt about enjoying our lives in case people think we’re
‘over it already’. But nothing could be further from the
And then the animals say… We're not kidding. This is a col- truth. Our loved ones in Spirit live through us, when we
lection of consciousness that is really wanting to put this love, they love. So live boldly, love wildly, and know that
to you from that perspective. 'Are there alternatives other as you do, they feel it too.
than fighting? Can you humans be domesticated and get
along?' I hope these 5 rituals will assist your healing after the loss
of a loved one. I know these rituals will pale in compari-
Domestication of the humans. Socialization of the humans. son to the times you spent together, but I hope they will
Can you be domesticated and get along? open your heart to the possibility that you can live and
love again after loss.
… Ohh, there's a snarky one saying, 'When you do it we'll
do it,' but everything's alright. Everyone's just finding their Learn more about how to make contact with loved ones in
way. the Spirit World in Lauren Robertson's first book with Hay
House, The Medium in Manolos
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