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Maya White is a Master Destination
                                 Astrologer and one of only 90 people in   HOROSCOPES
                                 the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy,
                                 a specialized branch of astrology which
                                 helps people find their perfect place on
                                 earth for love, prosperity, and personal   JANUARY 2018
                                 growth. She's also the creator of Easy
                                 Astrology Oracle Cards published by Hay
                                 House. Visit Maya’s website and sign up to   Cusp dates are accurate for 2016. Sometimes the actual date the sun
                                 receive her weekly newsletter.   enters the sign varies by a day or so because of a leap year, or, even
                                       the time of day. I assure you these cusp dates are correct for 2017.

            To start the year off right, I’m giving each Sun Sign an overview for 2018.  With a Cancer Full Moon on January 1st, the year
            begins with a signature of harvest and awareness. Also, on Tuesday January 9th, we have a unique triple conjunction of the
            Sun, Venus, and Pluto. This says that 2018 is destined to be a year of positive transformation. Many people begin the year with
            resolutions – and one of the definitions of resolution is: the act of solving a problem. You can be sure that this year, the stars
            invite you to permanently re-solve old issues and emerge as the butterfly you were born to be.

            Aries – (March 21 – April 20) Your major opportunities   Leo – (July 23 – August 23) Keep up the good work, Leo.
            come when you consolidate your personal power, Aries. Learn   2018 presents great opportunities, but you must stay in tip
            to apply leverage to all of your activities. You can excel in   top shape to maximize the gains. Good health plays a critical
            business this year, provided you learn how to ask for help and   role in your journey forward, so take time and tend to nagging
            guidance. This is NOT a go-it alone type of year for you, rather,  injuries. As a wild and powerful king or queen of the jungle,
            a time when you will learn to work in conjunction with all   you cannot be nursing a physical liability. Beyond your physical
            types of partners. This is both personal and professional. As   health, don’t keep solving the same problem over and over.
            you increase cooperative efforts, your life becomes richer in   This year is about developing systems and procedures that will
            both love and money.                                 ultimately lighten your load.

            Taurus – (April 21 – May 20)  Get this year off to a flying   Virgo – (August 24 – September 23) Keep your mind
            start by having a heart to heart with the part of you that’s so   active this year, Virgo. It’s a great time to begin a new course
            stubborn. The good news is that working too hard is actually   of study, or to complete one previously begin. This could
            counterproductive! This year promises amazing success in   be getting certified, completing a college degree, or even
            business, provided you play it right. You must learn how to let   initiating a new media project such as your own radio show
            go - your real work is in learning how to                                   or podcast. Follow your interests
            relax and enjoy the good times. Focus on                                    rather than some old rule book
            balance and discernment this year, Taurus.                                  that should have been thrown out
            Learn when to move ahead like a freight                                     long ago. The path of joy that
            train, but also know when to take time off.                                 leads you to the pot of gold is
                                                                                        finding the work that makes your
            Gemini – (May 21 – June 21) You are                                         heart sing.
            finally released from the chains that have
            been binding you for the past 3 years,                                      Libra – (September 24 –
            Gemini. The question now is: how to claim                                   October 23) Be open to and
            true freedom. You must get clear about                                      alert for financial opportunities
            what you want and how freedom still has                                     this year, Libra.  2018 will most
            a level of commitment. The good news                                        likely be a year of change in
            is – you can now decide what you want                                       your living situation. Things will
            your obligations to be. Take some time                                      move rapidly, and with so many
            to organize your thoughts, and your life,                                   situations in flux, it’s essential
            because 2018 is definitely a pivotal year.                                  that you take time each morning
                                                                                        for meditation and/or prayer
            Cancer – (June 22 – July 22) Set your                                       to get grounded. When events
            intentions right at the start of this year,                                 seem fast – slow yourself down.
            and prepare for an amazing outcome. Set                                     And, when things are still, know
            up a template at the beginning of this year                                 that work is being done behind
            for success. The planetary conjunctions in                                  the scenes.  You are weaving a
            January whisper about changes within your                                   tapestry of satisfaction, joy, and
            family dynamic, and you must come to                                        opportunity.
            peace with the cycles of life. To begin this
            year right – it’s imperative that you clean
            out closets and claim more personal space
            for this new cycle of growth and prosperity.

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