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MONTE FARBER’S                                         YOGA SHAKTI


                          AFFIRMATION                             MISSION

                        Monte Farber is, with wife, artist/designer Amy             First Saturday      YOGA
                        Zerner, author of many best-selling metaphysical               at noon       CLASSES
                        self-help books with over 2 million copies in print in       VEGETARIAN
                        14 languages, including Karma Cards, Enchanted Tarot,        LUNCHEON           7-8pm
            the Psychic Circle and Quantum Affirmations. His two new books are       $10  donation      $7 Per Class or
            Signs & Seasons: an Astrology Cookbook and Instant Tarot.                (children free)   $25/month unlimited
                                                                                                     Monday thru Thursday
                     7 Easy Energy Exercises:                     Ma Yoga Shakti
                    Tune up your “Chakras”                                        Sunshine Lectures
                                                                                   Sundays 9 - 10am
            “Chakra” is the word for “wheel” or “disk” in the                 Talks on Spiritual T opics
            strange but beautiful Sanskrit language of India, one
            of the most ancient languages known. The concept of
            our personal “Chakras” comes from yoga and refers to a visu-
            alization of 7 energy “doorways” along our spine connecting   BOOKS BY MA YOGA SHAKTI
            us to the universal life force. Amy and Monte’s quick Chakra   Yoga Syzygy Guide to Hatha Yoga $15
            workout is designed to recharge, refresh us, to reduce stress.    Techniques of Meditation to Enhance Mind Power $10
            Each of your Chakras is visualized as a very specific color.   Shri Satya Narayana Katha $5
            Your Chakras are said to ascend up your spine in the following   Hanumaan Chalisa $5 • A Spiritual Message $5
                                                                    The Seven Invisible Psychic Lotuses $10
            order, mirroring the progression of the seven vibrations/colors   Yoga Aasana Chart $2 • Chandogya Upanishad $5
            of the rainbow:
                                                                        YOGA SHAKTI MISSION
            1) The fiery red of our first Chakra, located at the base of our
            spine near the coccyx, is where the powerful, primal life en-  3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay 32907
            ergy of our “kundalini,” another Sanskrit word for our animal
            instincts for self-preservation, lies like a coiled serpent waiting   321-725-4024
            to be awakened by our divinely inspired higher will so it can
            climb up our spine and complete the energizing and balancing     Visit
            of our Chakras.

            2) Next, the orange-colored second Chakra is located oppo-  7) Finally, our violet seventh “crown” Chakra is located at
            site our reproductive organs and is associated with our sexual-  the top of our brain. Besides serving as our connection to the
            ity and creativity.                                  energy of the universe, it is connected with our devotion and
                                                                 identification with causes and forces beyond our individual
            3) The golden yellow-colored third Chakra is opposite our   selves.
            navel and is connected to our self-assertion as we shape and
            expand our being in the world.                       A person desiring to attain optimum health and a higher
                                                                 state of awareness focuses their attention on a single word
            4) The green fourth Chakra is opposite the heart and con-  or sound or on their breathing until an alpha brain-wave
            nected to our ability to love and our ability to feel the love of   producing state of relaxed awareness is achieved. The energy
            others toward us.                                    of the universe is then visualized as flowing the various colors
                                                                 into the seventh or Crown Chakra, located in the brain. Then
            5) The blue fifth Chakra is opposite the throat and is associ-  this energy is visualized as flowing down freely to each of the
            ated with communication, knowledge and self-expression.   other Chakra positions and their colors in turn. When all of
                                                                 the Chakras are open and flowing freely, the body is healthy
            6) The indigo sixth Chakra is located in the brow at the point  and the mind and spirit are in harmony with the universal
            where many spiritual people say our "third eye" is located and   plan.
            serves to directly connect us to all other beings through com-
            passionate, holistic thought and psychic communication.   © Monte Farber from "CHAKRA MEDITATION KIT (Sterling Publishing)

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