Page 28 - 718 Issue July 2018
P. 28

This month’s thoughts                                   ABRAHAM-HICKS

                                about things...
                                                                                        ...continued from page 9
                            “I want to look back on my life and be giddy with
                               joy that I was the one who got to live it.”
                                    ... from page 7 ..
                                                                 We like that you received awareness of something, we like
                                                                 that the thought of something came to you and that it felt
            Your being here matters, your being happy matters, the   good. And we like that you managed the vibration of it enough
            happiness of others matter. Never think it's pointless.   that it came to a fruition. It's wonderful to be ready. And oh,
            Become an emotional missionary in this lifetime and fol-  the things that are at your doorstep, the things that you are
            low happiness, feel happiness, collect happy thoughts and   in the vicinity of receiving - it is so delicious for us to have
            feelings so you can remember happiness when things are   awareness of what is in the process of unfolding for you. And
            not so happy. Fill up your happy tank to overflowing, that's   you know, we stand in readiness, in sort of alert readiness, in
            how you silently help your self and your community. In this   pleasure of those points of timing when something explodes
            lifetime and the next.                               just a little further into your creative experience, because
                                                                 your creation is also our creation. And you know that exhilara-
            On page 11 we’ve got Seth thru Jane Roberts: “This is   tion that you feel? That's our exhilaration that you are in the
            one of those "secrets to enlightenment"everyone asks for   Receiving Mode of. When you feel that exhilaration, that's
            but few hear and understand.  When you don't know    because we have our eye on you, and that feeling that you're
            what to do, relax and tell yourself that other portions   feeling is the feeling that we're feeling. And for those mo-
            of yourself do know; they will take over. Give yourself   ments of elation and love and appreciation, we are bonded in
            some rest."                                          singular vibrational frequency.

            That means say to yourself "I know there are other parts   Abraham on The Medical Profession:
            of me that understand what I do not. I ask that these parts   Not long ago, he medical profession was predominantly based
            help me understand, help me become aware of what I   upon those who sincerely believed in wellness, and whose
            need to know to overcome this situation/ have a new ex-  dominant thought was toward wellness. And so when you
            perience/ or just be the best I can be."             interacted with them, it was toward a very powerful feeling
                                                                 of becoming well. That has almost swung completely. Illness
            Then practice relaxing into the knowing that you have set   is now the game that is most thought about; illness brings dol-
            something in motion that you will soon see evidence of.   lars, dollars bring power.
            Relax into the knowing that these other "parts" of you can
            be thought of (if it makes it easier to accept) as guardian   So there is very little health care; it is more illness care. There
            angels or spirit guides here to help you with whatever you   is little wellness center, it is almost all sickness center. The
            ask help for. You "activate" them by talking to them and   names may be one or the other, but the emphasis is toward
            asking them for help. If it makes it easier to accept, these   that. So much so that your society as a whole believes much
            other parts of you can be thought of as God whom you   more in illness than in wellness; the expectation of illness is
            are asking in prayer. You might do this twice a day during   many, many times greater than the expectation of wellness.
                                                                 And so, we do not see technology as making the difference
            From Thich Nhat Hanh:  Recently, one friend asked me,   because attention to lack just perpetuates more lack. And so
            "How can I force myself to smile when I am filled with sor-  more technology is created, but the lack keeps outrunning it.
            row? It isn't natural." I told her she must be able to smile   Have you noticed that as soon as you discover a cure to
            to her sorrow, because we are more than our sorrow.   one deadly disease, another deadly disease pops up? It is
                                                                 because the mass consciousness is much more focused toward
            A human being is like a television set with millions of   illness than wellness. So it is not a technological improvement
            channels. If we turn the Buddha on, we are the Buddha. If   that is in your offing, it is a spiritual understanding, a coming
            we turn sorrow on then we are sorrow. If we turn a smile   into balance with self, a personal healing sort of thing.
            on, we really are the smile.
                                                                 It is not illness that kills you, it is attention to it, because it is
            We can not let just one channel dominate us. We have the   your thought about something. Now, that's hard for those who
            seed of everything in us, and we have to             have something wrong to hear from us, because they say, If I
            seize the situation in our hand, to recover          did not have this treatment, it would get worse, and we say
            our own sovereignty. --                              as long as your belief in the treatment is toward wellness, you
                                                                 will have wellness. Just do not let them convince you that any-
            Enjoy our offering this month.                       thing is deadly, because nothing is except your belief about it.
            Hari Om           Andrea                                                    ...continued on page 31

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