Page 32 - 718 Issue July 2018
P. 32
HORIZONS MAGAZINE As hopeless as any situation feels, When we think that the
575 Escarole Street S.E. it‘s really only your thoughts that world has unlimited
Palm Bay, FL 32909-4802 you’re dealing with. And you resources, our world
have the power to change those. becomes unlimited.
Louise Hay Ma Yoga Shakti
Soon to Be Published
Revised & Enlarged Edition
6 x 9 Quality Paperback
208 Pages Plus 16 Pages
of Color and b/w Photos
The author is the only ordained
disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda
who is still actively teaching. Learn
who Yogananda was, what he taught,
how he lived, and how he interacted
with disciples and the circumstances
and events of everyday life.
Answers to many questions about the
spiritual path, meditation practices,
and awakening to emotional and
spiritual maturity to Self-realization
and liberation of consciousness.
A clear explanation of traditions and
essential practices of Yoga and the
lineages of Kriya Yoga gurus.
A glossary has precise definitions of
150 English and Sanskrit words and
philosophical concepts helpful for
truth seekers to know.
Publication in early June $8.00
Special pre-publication price
until June 15: $5.00
plus $3.00 postage. Center for Spiritual Awareness
Order by mail, phone, or e-mail. Post Office Box 7
Lakemont, Georgia 30552-0001
Read a little. Meditate more.
Think of God all the time. Tel 706-782-4723 weekdays 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
– Paramahansa Yogananda e-mail
You are cordially invited to request a free sample copy of our Truth
Journal magazine and a catalog of Mr. Davis’ books. Visit our
web site to read Truth Journal and articles in several languages.
Also video and audio talks.