Page 26 - 718 Issue July 2018
P. 26

HOW TO CREATE A                          HELPFUL PEOPLE ac-
                                                                   knowledge our connec-
                          VISION BOARD USING                       tivity to other souls as
                          THE BALANCE BOX                          helpers and supporters
                                                                   for us, and us for them.

                             ...continued from page 16...          LIFE PATH illustrates
                                                                   whatever we are doing
                                                                   to express life in the
            People call that Source many things – God, First Force, The   NOW moment with a
            Grid, The Matrix,The One, etc. I call it The ELF – or the   look back in gratitude
            Eternal Life Force.  Every activity of life that we experience   for the past and a look
            in one or more of the outer squares is fueled and serviced and   forward in hope for the
            made possible, only through the grace of the Creator and Sus-  future.
            tainer of all Life, which gives us our vital, internal balance.
                                                                   SPIRITUALITY represents our intention to remain awake
            The other 8 areas are also essential to our well-being, how-  to the deep personal guidance that is available to us from
            ever, for the following reasons:                       beyond our physical selves
            WEALTH represents the energy of money and substance that   HEALTH represents the vital need to care for and feed our
            we gather to us for our security and pleasure.         bodies.
            FAME represents the individual need within each of us to   Each area of the Bagua map is of equal importance and each
            achieve those things that deeply matter to us.         one requires an equal portion of our attention at all times.
                                                                   When any one or two are ignored, our general sense of well
            LOVE represents our relationships to others, both on a per-  being is compromised.  Our sense of balance is violated.
            sonal basis and as co-inhabitants of a common planet.
                                                                   A fun and really helpful use your Bagua Map is to help you
            CREATIVITY represents the expression of our individual talents   create a meaningful Vision Board, to remind you of what
            and joys                                               you wish to achieve in each individual area.  Just as you
                                                                   would on other kind of Vision Board, you will place in each
                                                                   of the sections of your Balance Box a few visual representa-
                                                                   tives of your immediate goals for that area. It is best to limit
              YOGA SHAKTI                                          the “pictures” of what you want to achieve in each area to
                                                                   three or four or else the process can become overwhelming
             MISSION                                               instead of reassuring.
                                                                   You may create the Bagua Map on a poster board and paste
                                                                   pictures into each of the 9 sections.  I personally prefer to
                                                   YOGA            use a cork board, which I section off with tape or ribbon and
                                                                   apply the pictures with push pins.  If you become dedicated
                               First Saturday   CLASSES            to using your Bagua Map to achieve internal balance, you
                                  at noon                          may paint the square or rectangle on your wall in a color
                               VEGETARIAN         7-8pm            that matches your décor using magnetic paint.  Then section
                                                   $7 Per Class or
                                LUNCHEON        $25/month unlimited   off the nine areas with tape and apply your pictures with
                                $10  donation                      magnets.
                                (children free)   Monday thru Thursday
             Ma Yoga Shakti                                        Be sure to build your map in a place where you can see it
                                                                   every day so that you remain fully aware of what is going
                            Sunshine Lectures                      on in each of the areas at all times.  If you notice that you
                             Sundays 9 - 10am                      have become “too busy” for several days to take steps to
                        Talks on Spiritual T opics                 keep yourself healthy, reviewing the “Health” section of
                                                                   your Bagua will remind you to take time at least to do some
                                                                   deep breathing, maybe shift your diet a little away from the
                   YOGA SHAKTI MISSION                             fast food chain, and perhaps arrange to get an extra hour of
                                                                   sleep.  If you’re trying to do too many things alone, passing
                     3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay 32907               by the “Helpful People” section will remind you to do some
                        Visit                   Allow the map to help you stay in balance and you will find
                                                                   yourself growing in happiness and self-satisfaction every day.

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