Page 21 - 718 Issue July 2018
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                            Meriflor Toneatto is the author of Money, Manifestation & Miracles. As the CEO and founder of Power
                            With Soul, she specializes in helping ambitious women entrepreneurs, professionals and leaders
                            reach financial prosperity and success while fulfilling their social promise to the world. Her work has
                            been featured internationally in media outlets like Yahoo! Finance, Washington Post, International
                            Business Times, Los Angeles Times, and more. Visit her at
                               "When women are empowered with money, they become “difference makers.”

            You are the CEO and the leader of your life and      • Valuing what they do and valuing their self-worth
            your life’s work. Yet maybe you are not quite feeling
            like the hero of your life story, and that’s all right.   • The determination they show on the outside and the fear and
            You are not alone.                                   doubt they have about themselves on the inside

            The beautiful reality is that you have chosen to acceler-  The disconnection stems from being out of alignment with
            ate your personal and spiritual journey by empowering your   themselves and their truth. This is why self-knowledge is so
            relationship with money. I believe that the path leads first to   vital; it provides you with awareness and clarity. And hav-
            gaining an inner understanding of yourself. I also believe that   ing clarity crystallizes what actions you need to take to get
            the keys to abundance are already within you. In fact, the keys  aligned with what you desire. The reverse is also true. When
            to prosperity have always been within you because abundance   you get into alignment, you gain greater clarity. Either way,
            is your natural state.                               it’s all good.

            Once you have tapped into your values and strengths, the next          ...continued to page 29...
            step is to align them with the meaning of money and to set
            meaningful monetary goals.
            ALIGNING WITH YOUR TRUE DESIRES                        SPIRITUALIST CHAPEL of Melbourne
            I cannot overstate the importance of being in alignment with   Spiritualism +   We Welcome All To
            who you are and everything you do. When you are in align-  Mediumship
            ment, everything flows; life feels easy; and opportunities,   Classes $5   Sunday 10 AM services
            including people, money, and resources, will show up on your   $10 others
            doorstep to help you achieve your goals.                                1924 Melody Lane, Melbourne, FL 32901
                                                                                      Spirit Messages - Healing Service
                                                                     1st and 3rd     Guest Speakers • Private Readings
            When you are in alignment, you are also at your best and most
            joyful. When you are in a state of joy, your personal energy   Thursdays   $15/15 minutes after Services
            is stronger, enabling you to more quickly manifest what you   6:30-8:30 pm     321-419-6262
            desire. This includes manifesting financial prosperity and abun- 
            dance in all its forms.
                                                                      Friend us on Facebook: Spiritualist Chapel of Melbourne
            Likewise, it is harder to achieve what you desire when you
            are out of alignment, when things just do not seem to go your
            way, with many blocks and obstacles to overcome. We have all
            experienced this at some point. I have found the main reasons
            that women are not doing as well as they could be.                                    Explore the Psychic
                                                                                                     and Spiritual
            Some factors that hold women back from greater success                                 Universe with us!
            relate to a disconnection between:                                                      Metaphysical
                                                                                                   speakers, healers,
            Some factors that hold women back from greater success                                 teachers, more.
            relate to a disconnection between:                                                      Psychic fairs.

            • What they have accomplished and their level of self-confi-  321-474-7348              We meet in the Band
                                                                                                     Room behind the
            dence                                                 Email      Melbourne Auditorium
                                                                  $3 fee  SUNDAYS 7 - 8:45pm       at 1924 Melody Lane,
                                                                                                   Melbourne, FL 32901
            • What they really want and what they settle for
               Horizons Magazine by mail  $24/12 issues  Read online at    Page 21
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