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THIS MONTH’S                         Positive thinking doesn’t mean look at the raging storm and
                                                                 deny it’s happening. Positive thinking means look for the rain-
                               THOUGHTS                          bow, know the storm will pass and until then spend your time
                                                                 in happy pursuits, planning a hopeful future.
                                   ABOUT                         The writer said, “You cannot change reality. The night will
                                                                 still be there; you can think that it is daytime for 24 hours,
                                 THINGS...                       but it is not going to be light 24 hours a day.”  Who thinks
                                                                 that would be true?? In positive thinking, you never deny what
                                                                 is there. You don’t deny it’s daytime if you’re standing in the
                                 “In the company of one who is living   sun. You don’t deny “what is.”
            Andrea de Michaelis  Love, you can’t help but spring into   That’s all positive thinking really is — is replacing your
                                 that Love.”  - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
             Publisher in 2016
                                                                 thoughts of worry and concern with thoughts of what is possi-
                                                                 ble in the best case scenario, and releasing enough resistance
                  Welcome to the July 2017 Horizons.             that you can attract the successful outcome.

               POSITIVE THINKING DOESN’T MEAN DENY THE           A friend asked if it hurts my business when I make contro-
                 STORM, IT MEANS EXPECT THE RAINBOW              versial posts on Facebook. I have not found it to. I consider
            A friend sent me an article criticizing positive thinking,   consequences before I speak my mind. The few political posts
            wherein the author quoted Osho as saying, “the philosophy of   I make, I feel my FB friends understand where I am coming
            positive thinking means being untruthful; it means being dis-  from. I feel strongly that those in office should be qualified
            honest. It means seeing a certain thing and yet denying what   and act with integrity. When damage is being done, I don't
            you have seen; it means deceiving yourself and others.”  mind shedding light so my FBF can make more informed deci-
                        That’s not what it means at all.         sions and step in to help where possible. When I feel info is
                     No wonder people don’t think it works.      important enough to be passed on, I pass it on.

                                                                                        ...continued on page 29...

              Love? Money? Travel? Learn what 2017 holds in store for you.
            PSYCHIC FAIR                                          SATURDAY & SUNDAY

                                                                      JULY 22 and 23
                                                                   MERRITT ISLAND, FL
             $12 for a 10 minute mini-reading:             Behind McDonald’s north of 520

             Saturday Fair July 22 11am-4pm              Sunday Fair  July 23 11am- 4pm
             Daena Croghan: Psychic medium, Angel Readings   Daena Croghan: Psychic medium, Angel Readings
             Kathryn Flanagan: Intuitive Channel, Tarot, Psychic Medium   Kathryn Flanagan: Intuitive Channel, Tarot, Psychic Medium
             Maria Torano: Psychic, Medium, Cross-Over Readings  Maria Torano: Psychic, Medium, Cross-Over Readings
             Robin Higgins:  Clairvoyant Medium, Channeling   Robin Higgins:  Clairvoyant Medium, Channeling
             Carrie Raven Heart: Native American Reader, Animal Spirit Reader  Kim Danbert: Psychic-Medium Tarologist
             Tuning Fork Healings by George Stankus MA13729  Carrie Raven Heart: Native American Reader, Animal Spirit Reader
             Leslie Marlar  Astrology Saturday ONLY      Tuning Fork Healings by George Stankus MA13729   Our Next Fair is
             Kim Danbert: Psychic-Medium Tarologist                                                   Sept 16 and 17
                                                         Kay Simon will offer Aura Photography  Sunday ONLY
                                                         Jen Padgett:  Massage MA79795 Sunday ONLY

                             BOOK AND BEAD OUTLET
                             Hundreds of Books, Beads, Tarot Decks, Gifts
                             950 N. Courtenay Pkwy                  Mon - Fri 10am-6pm
                             Merritt Island, FL 32953               Saturday 10am-5pm
                             321-453-2665                            Sunday 11am-3pm

               Visit   See coupon at website for day of fair

                Horizons Magazine by mail  $24/12 issues  Read online at    Page 7
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