Page 29 - horizons - 518 Issue
P. 29
This month’s thoughts A favorite thing of mine to do is help friends identify things
about things... that may be holding them back, and encourage them in
their personal visions. I know how crucial it is to have
“I want to look back on my life and be giddy with someone care about the process.
joy that I was the one who got to live it.”
Often I’ve not had anyone to care about my process and at
... from page 7 .. those times I learned to cheerlead myself on. I learned to
ask myself, “what would I do and say if I were my own
best friend involved in a new project?” Then the answer
SPEAKING OF USING WHATEVER LIGHT IS AVAILABLE becomes clear and the thought activates the helpful self
Last week I was making my bank deposits online. I love the ease talk of my inner cheerleader.
of that. When it’s working. But I figured out what my problem
was. Even tho it looked to me as tho there was plenty of light in My inner cheerleader knows what to say to keep me mo-
the room to scan the checks, they would not scan. I stepped out tivated. She reminds me of what I already know. She re-
onto the back porch and tried again. They scanned just fine in minds me that I’m doing the work I love with people I en-
the natural light. The camera had a more sensitive eye than I did joy. She reminds me that every step along the way is part
and knew I NEEDED MORE LIGHT TO CORRECTLY SEE THE SITU- of my mission and grist for the mill. She reminds me that
ATION. Photography 101: The more available light, the more my income does not come from whomever I sell my stuff
details come in to view. to, my income pours out of who I am and what I pour out
onto others, and what I allow them to pour onto me. She
I think back to all the times I thought I’d seen someone or some reminds me of what’s real and what really matters.
situation clearly and later found I was mistaken. I’d seen it
only in a half light, or with insufficient info to give relativity or My inner cheerleader knows that the way to happiness is
meaning to what I was seeing. through training myself to think thoughts that bring me joy
and give me hope.
Kind of like if you sent 3 intelligent persons up into space. They
all saw the same thing and report back. A 12 year old student The way to think thoughts that bring me joy and give me
would have a different vocabulary for what he saw than would a hope is to look for the good in every person and situation
seasoned astronaut of 40 years. An accountant would also have I encounter, to look for things to appreciate in each Now
a different understanding of what he saw and different vocabu- moment.
lary for explaining it. All 3 would be truthful about their experi-
ence, but the astronaut –- by virtue of his extensive experience The way to have hope is to bring to mind all the good
-- would have more light on the topic and thus could explain it times and know they can be again. To cheerlead myself on
more fully than the 12 year old or the accountant. to it with my self talk and internal dialog until I believe it
and expect it. That’s how I attract my happy and purpose-
I once believed a friend’s story of what someone else did to her. ful life. No secret. It just takes practice.
I supported my friend in boycotting this person. Years later my
friend confided she’d not told me the truth. She left out the You have to learn to do it on your own, to motivate your-
half of the story where she herself was at fault. I saw it only in self to stay focused on your goals, focused on what’s going
half light and made poor choices based on it. right in your world. That’s the answer. That’s the secret.
Focus on what’s going right in your world and then follow
In half light there are a lot of shadows and shadows are where that as it expands into a satisfying, meaningful life for
we fill in the blanks of things unseen and words unspoken. A you.
reminder to myself to always ask, “Am I seeing this in the right
Despite anything going on anywhere in the world, you have
In the half light is also where we fail to see the dark corners the ability to attract what you need. If you are to pull
that hold baggage we no longer need for this part of our journey. yourself out of a bad situation, you must begin to spend
Turning on the light illuminates everything so I can choose what less time thinking and talking about what's wrong. You are
delights me and what I’m ready to discard. only stuck in that place because of your choice of focus. As
hopeless as any situation feels, it‘s really
WHAT ELSE AM I READY TO DROP FROM MY LIFE? only your thoughts and focus that you’re
My notary commission comes up for renewal this year and for dealing with. And you have the power
the first time since I was 20 years old I'm not going to renew it. to change those. A more helpful thought
When I worked for attorneys, they always had us become nota- might be: "My life is getting better. Good
ries. After that, I did legal document preparation on my own, things are on the way. Miracles happen
but haven't done that in years. More streamlining, asking myself all the time.” Then look for evidence of
what am I doing that I actually want to continue doing? Not it, everywhere and watch the magic
just because I'm used to doing it like when I had a landline and unfold. Enjoy our offering this month. Andrea
cable TV for fully 6 years longer than I needed to. Hari Om.
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