Page 27 - horizons - 518 Issue
P. 27


                                 WITH YOUR                         YOGA SHAKTI

                                  GUARDIAN                        MISSION


                                                                                    First Saturday   CLASSES
                                  ...continued from page 16...                         at noon          7-8pm
                                                                                     LUNCHEON           $7 Per Class or
                                                                                     $10  donation    $25/month unlimited
            ian angel is always helping you to meet the right person, or see
            the advertisement for that special job, in order to bring you            (children free)   Monday thru Thursday
            the opportunity you need. When something lucky or fortuitous   Ma Yoga Shakti
            happens, remember to thank your guardian angel.
                                                                                  Sunshine Lectures
            When you are ready to move forwards on your ascension path,           Sundays 9 - 10am
            it is your guardian angel who helps you to accelerate your       Talks on Spiritual T opics

                   HOW TO CONNECT WITH YOUR                             YOGA SHAKTI MISSION
                           GUARDIAN ANGEL                                 3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay 32907
            Angels work on a golden vibration of peace and wisdom. To
            connect with your guardian angel, imagine the colour gold sur-   Visit
            rounding your aura. Visualize your outbreath becoming golden
            and forming a ball of light around you, enabling you to feel
            calm and peaceful. Mentally ask your guardian angel to touch
            you and trust that it is doing so.
                                                                 This exercise is a very quick way of preparing yourself to lis-
                                                                 ten, and can be practiced anywhere and at any time.
            You now have the opportunity to ask your guardian angel for
            guidance, share something with it, or ask it to speak to some-
            one else’s angel on your behalf. You may simply want to relax   THE JOURNEY TO ASCENSION
            into the feeling of being embraced by your guardian angel.
                                                                 Ascension is about raising your vibration so that you live in the
                                                                 fifth dimension. This is the frequency at which you feel belong-
                      HOW TO LISTEN TO YOUR                      ing, love, happiness, and deep contentment, and can also
                           GUARDIAN ANGEL                        connect with the angelic realms. When you ascend you’ll auto-
                                                                 matically help others to do so too. I started my own ascension
            Your guardian angel is always trying to communicate with you,   journey through meeting my guardian angel and I hope that,
            but you cannot receive its messages if your mind is too busy   through communicating and working with your own guardian
            or negative, so take a moment to focus on something happy,   angel, you are inspired to raise your vibration and open your-
            beautiful, or loving. Then, take a deep breath. As you slowly   self up to communing with many other angelic beings including
            release it, say, ‘Calm and centered’. Repeat this as many times  archangels, dragons, unicorns, and ascended masters. These
            as you feel you need to. If you practice regularly, you will soon  powerful beings will aid you on your ascension journey, help
            find you only need to say this once for your mind to become   you see the world from a higher perspective, and fulfill your
            receptive to anything your guardian angel wants to drop in.   highest spiritual potential.

                             Haunted History Museum
                              Photos and documents, bizarre and macabre displays
                           Next door to
                           Purple Rose Trading Co.             Rev. Tina, Owner
                           1079 Stevens Street                 (386) 228-3315
                           Cassadaga, FL 32706

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