Page 13 - 418Issue
P. 13
Nellie 386-960-7434
seven days
a week
for PsychicMedium
Go to my website to see what my
8am-8pm clients say, click “Testimonies”
See video at
TESTIMONIAL: I appreciate the time you spent TESTIMONIAL: Nellie, I loved your message,
with me. The concert I was having such a hard time and got lots of info from it, now the hard part. put
remembering was Patti LaBelle -- that was Kenny’s it into practice. thank you so much very much for
favorite singer. It’s funny this particular event came sharing your wisdom with me and others.
up in the reading Sunday because Sunday and
Monday are the Mexican celebration for departed TESTIMONIAL: Nellie, This is going to be short
loved ones -- I was just wondering to myself what because I can not describe what happened to me
the greatest moment we had together in our short today but I am at peace with myself after a very
4 years together, and for some reason I didn’t think long time! You took me in a 1/2 hour early today
of this concert. This WAS definitely our best activ- and then made time for a friend of mine - so ap-
ity together and it took me coming to see you to preciated! And you spent extra time with me!! Feel
remind me of that. Thank you for the piece of mind like I won the lottery! I feel like the biggest dark
you have given me. Chris cloud has been taken away from my life. I can
not describe the happiness I feel - no words
TESTIMONIAL: TESTIMONIAL: Hi to describe the peace of mind I have! I do not
Nellie, you said some things Nellie: You told me that remember so much peace! Some day I will write
about an uncle my mother my gr gr mo Gaetano and explain more but just can’t put it into words
had that I never knew about. S came from the Bari right now! THANK YOU! Maggie
You mentioned he was a area I found a young I will be back!!!
musician, and he was very relative named Roberta
well known. The next day I S from the Salerno area TESTIMONIAL: Before I met Nellie I had
called my mom in Hungary and she will contact me been to Cassadaga a few times in the past to
and she started to cry, she about the family. There get readings. In the past the readings we ok
verified everything you said. are many relatives from but not too specific. This time was different.
I never knew he existed up Bari area and the Saler- When I got my first reading I had been going
until you told me about him. no province. In Bari are through many health and issues in my life.
At the time of the read- the names of my fam- Nellie gave very useful info that was specific
ing, you told me that he ily members: Grimaldi, including dates and outcomes. Most of her
was there with me, it was a Amodeo, and guess predictions have come true, even the ones
life turning experience for what the Fama family that seemed unlikely. I am very grateful to her
me.Thank you so much into whom my son for both her reading and her compassion. If
Nellie. Klara Charlie, married! Eileen you are ever in Cassadaga and want an accu-
Horizons Magazine by mail $24/12 issues Read online at www.
rate reading set up an appt to meet with her.
Horizons Magazine by
mail $24/12 issues Read online at www.