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ASK WHITEDOVE                                          Join us on
                              Got a burning question?Ask Celebrity Psychic
                              and Spiritual Teacher Michelle Whitedove.
                              Lifetime TV named her America’s #1 Psychic                      Gifts, Books, Cards,
                              on America’s Psychic Challenge. Her books                        Crystals, Candles,
                              include: Ghost Stalker: A Psychic Medium                          Incense, jewelry,
                              Visits America’s Most Haunted Sites • She
                              Talks with Angels: a Psychic Medium’s Guide                       Salt Lamps, More
                              into the Spirit World • Angels Are Talking: A
                              Psychic Medium Relays Messages from the   Energy Healing
                              Heavens • My Invisible Friends    Visit www.                          2186 Park Ave
                                   Readings      904-292-4555    Orange Park, Florida 32073

            Dear Michelle. This year you have written about crypto-
            currencies when addressing world finances of the future.
            What does God say about this new type of currency when
            money is said to be the root of all evil?              SPIRITUALIST CHAPEL of Melbourne
                                                                    Spiritualism +   We Welcome All To
            Dearest, Just know that money is only the root of evil only   Mediumship
            when greed and gluttony rule the person and they use it for   Classes $5   Sunday 10 AM services
            their own benefit with utter disregard as to how it affects oth-  $10 others  1924 Melody Lane, Melbourne, FL 32901
            ers.                                                                      Spirit Messages - Healing Service
                                                                     1st and 3rd     Guest Speakers • Private Readings
            One of the best things that a spiritual person can do is use               $15/15 minutes after Services
            their wealth with God’s direction to help humanity in a large   Thursdays
            way. Just think of how much more that you could do if you   6:30-8:30 pm       321-419-6262
            weren’t focused on struggling financially. Philanthropy is the   
            desire to help humanity: giving to the less fortunate, creating
            jobs, medical services to the poor, cleansing polluted waters,    Friend us on Facebook: Spiritualist Chapel of Melbourne
            planting forests, developing clean air solutions, large scale
            organic farming  and the list goes on! You can do so much when   clearer memory of their out-of-body spiritual adventures. So
            you have the funds. Don’t get me wrong, great strides can be   the dream time is needed physically, mentally, spiritually and
            made for humanity with or without great sums of money.  No   emotionally too.
            matter your economic background, it’s our duty as spiritual be-
            ings to assist our brothers, sisters and mother earth in the best    Dear Whitedove,  train service dogs and I love doing this.
            way that we can.                                     One thing that I’ve found very unusual: a lady had a very
                                                                 serious case of lupus but as she was getting better her
            Cryptocurrency was foreign to me not long ago, but when I   dog got sick with the very same disease. How can this be
            asked Great Spirit about it, I was told that Cryptos are created   explained since obviously they are not consuming the same
            by-the-people-for-the-people. It’s a way to work outside of the   foods?
            corrupt banking system and so many of the cryptos were cre-
            ated for projects to help society. It’s a black market economy   Dearest, Dogs are very special animals. Dogs live in the mo-
            that is not regulated by the government.  I was also told that   ment and will even cut their life short to help a human.  They
            cryptocurrency is the future form of our money.      represent loyalty, unconditional love and service to human-
                                                                 ity.  As you know, some service dogs are now trained to alert
            Dear Whitedove, I have crazy dreams although I don’t   humans to an impending epileptic seizure or alert a diabetic to
            remember many. But I want to know: Why do we dream?  a severe drop in blood sugar levels and can even detect some
                                                                 cancers and illnesses.
            Dearest,  We spend about a third of our lives asleep, for the
            physical body and our mental state, rest is needed. Spiritu-  You have sensed an important connection between a human
            ally speaking the dream time is necessary so the soul has an   and their beloved canine. Dogs do have the capability to take
            opportunity to leave the confines of the body.  Some people   on the illness of their owner. I have seen this many times over.
            only remember fragmented visions of our nightly escapades. Al-  A human with tumors and the dog dies of a tumor. A human
            though the soul is out-of-body working on issues and fears, we   with diabetes and their dog dies because of diabetes and I’ve
            can check-in on people and visit with departed loved ones too.  seen it with Lupus too. These are not coincidence; it is another
            The spiritually advanced use the dreamtime to be active and   way that a dog proves that their love is unconditional. Interest-
            productive: doing soul retrieval work, visiting different levels   ingly enough our pets are not afraid of death and they know
            of heaven, teaching, doing healings and other high vibrational   their way back to paradise, the level of Heaven in which they
            spiritual work.  They actively participate so they have a much   reside.

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