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Maya White is a Master Destination
                                 Astrologer and one of only 90 people in   HOROSCOPES
                                 the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy,
                                 a specialized branch of astrology which
                                 helps people find their perfect place on
                                 earth for love, prosperity, and personal   MARCH 2018
                                 growth. She's also the creator of Easy
                                 Astrology Oracle Cards published by Hay
                                 House. Visit Maya’s website and sign up to   Cusp dates are accurate for 2018. Sometimes the actual date the sun
                                 receive her weekly newsletter.   enters the sign varies by a day or so because of a leap year, or, even
                                       the time of day. I assure you these cusp dates are correct for 2018.
            Aries – (March 20 – April 18) Opportunity comes wrapped in a   Libra – (September 22 – October 22) Set your intention that
            cloak of hard work this time around.  Mars begins the month   the blue moon full moon of March 31 will deliver much needed
            in jolly Sagittarius and life is good. Then, on the New Moon of   clarity. With the full moon in Libra, plus Mercury retrograde
            March 17th, Mars enters Capricorn where he spars with Saturn   in Aries, it would seem that there is something you’ve
            for several weeks. But, don’t let this Saturn encounter put out  overlooked. Uranus, also in Aries, has been making things
            your fire; use it to make deep, hot coals. Keep the fire burning  difficult for you, and we’re all looking forward to May 15th
            inside, Aries, and show the world your true inner colors.   when he moves into Taurus. In the meantime, don’t make any
                                                                 promises you don’t intend, or want, to keep.
            Taurus – (April 19 – May 19) Listen carefully to your intuition.
            With Jupiter and Uranus running interference you really need   Scorpio – (October 23 – November 21) Mars, Saturn, and
            to think carefully about whom you can trust. Your words may   Pluto join forces in your 3rd house of the written word. If
            be misconstrued, especially after Mercury stations retrograde   it’s discipline you lack as you begin to write your next great
            on March 22nd. Venus square Pluto on the 23rd invites jealousy,  American classic, this trio will get you into shape in no time.
            and Venus square Uranus on the 28th often triggers sudden   Mercury conjunct Venus on the 20th is a most auspicious day
            endings. Play your cards close to your lovely bosom for now.    to set sail on your journey. Mercury retrograde delivers peace,
                                                                 provided you go with the flow and not against it. Find peace,
            Gemini – (May 20 – June 20) If you’re feeling low during this   Scorpio; be still, be calm, and carry on.
            blue moon month, blame it on the stars. Really! The month
            begins with Mercury, Venus, Neptune, and the Sun in Pisces,   Sagittarius – (November 22– December 20) Just when you
            (plus we have Mercury retrograde beginning the 22nd.)  This   need it, Jupiter in Scorpio is buying you time. Disruptive
            water world can suck the wind out of your sails. So, here’s your  Uranus changes signs soon, also, which in the long run is going
            March madness action plan: 1) deepen your knowledge of one   to give you even more quality days, which are desperately
            subject, and, 2) get out of your head, and into nature.   needed now. You may feel the only solution now is to kick the
                                                                 can down the road for just a bit longer. March is a challenging
            Cancer – (June 21 – July 21) By March 18th you will have   month for your sign; April more in tune with your fiery nature.
            three planets in your partnership sector – Pluto, Saturn, and   Wait just a bit longer.
            Mars. You’ll know the details on how this impacts your life by
            the full, blue moon of March 31st. Some part of your life has   Capricorn – (December 21 – January 18) You’re truly coming
            reached completion. This need not be troubling, rather, think   into your own, Capricorn. Let the planets feed your inner
            of it as a harvest. So many times in life we forget to bask in   strength now; you’ve been patient, played the games, served
            the glow of a job well done; accept your reward this time   your time, and now you learn how to harvest. Do a personal
            around.                                              inventory to determine which class or workshop would benefit
                                                                 you the most now; whichever you choose comes with benefits
            Leo – (July 22 – August 22) March is a month of reminiscence   far beyond your expense of time and/or money.
            for you, Leo. As Chiron lingers in the last
            degrees of Pisces, there is a process of healing                 Aquarius – (January 19 – February 17) Of all
            taking place now. You’ll feel it immediately                     the signs, yours is perhaps most sensitive to
            when Chiron enters Aries on March 25th.  The                     the energetic shifts that are in store for 2018.
            fire of Aries burns more easily with your sign,                  With this in mind, it’s imperative that you fine
            Leo. Until then, release that which is no                        tune your health and body. With the sun still
            longer viable into the deep waters of Pisces.                    lingering in healing Pisces, this is a critical time
            Chiron is a mentor, shaman, and shapeshifter –                   to tend to restore and rectify It’s not about
            let go, and allow him to do his work.                            strength so much as your ability to come out
                                                                             bright and shiny as the Universe shifts into high
            Virgo – (August 23 – September 21) Mercury                       gear.
            retrograde March 22 – April 15th activates your
            solar 8th house of power, sex, and finance.                      Pisces – (February 18 – March 19) You must
            Of the three, you want to gain control in the                    take steps to avoid being overwhelmed by the
            power category because it give you leverage                      chaos in the world now. Solace comes in being
            in all other aspects of house 8. Carefully                       with your birds of a feather. Spend time with
            review places where you have been giving up                      people who nurture you, and who also love you
            control and make a decision to address it now.                   enough to support your growth. Yours is the
            The Universe is offering you a unique ‘get out                   Pisces fish, but you’re looking for a gathering
            of jail free’ card. Play it right!                               of Eagles. Stay on track with your true spiritual

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