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P. 29

This month’s thoughts                   WHY DO I BOTHER WRITING THINGS TO MAKE

                               about things...                    PEOPLE FEEL MORE HOPEFUL ABOUT THEIR
                                                                      FUTURE IN THIS CURRENT CLIMATE?
                            “I want to look back on my life and be giddy with   Because it is only the ones who are hopeful who will attract
                              joy that I was the one who got to live it.”   thoughts and ideas that help us move easily through the changes.
                                                              Never deprive someone of hope, it may be all they have. A
                                    ... from page 7 ..        valuable sacred service we can perform is to help people find a
                                                              better feeling place when they feel alone, when they feel their
                                                              life is being been torn out from under them, to point their atten-
            Sharing space with Stella and the Man is working out   tion toward a hopeful future. Oh, to be that person every day.
            well. He and I both work from home, both are fairly pri-
            vate and reclusive and are comfortable with each other.    FRIENDS HAVE BEEN PASSING SUDDENLY
            I switched rooms so he could have the private bachelor
            entrance and I knocked out a wall to enlarge my own   Friends have been passing, yes, that will never change. People
            new bedroom. The move was good for Stella, who is a   will die and I'd like to go fast. But the last several years what I've
            declawed indoor cat since it makes her socialize with   noticed is that increasingly friends are passing suddenly, many
            Benny and Tuxedo Sam. 30 days in she ventures out of   without long periods of illness or incapacity. That's what I wish for
            her side of the house and tiptoes around, looking out the   everyone. I've seen it so often I am hopeful that can be my way,
            windows and drinking from all the water dishes, hissing   too. Happy, healthy, happy, healthy, happy, healthy, dead. To
            and growling at whoever comes her way. Ben retreats   that end, I'll make sure to find something to be happy about in
            and leaves her alone when she strikes out at him. Sam is   each Now and I know I'll have lots of time to practice that. I can
            twice her weight and can be very confrontational. So far   ingest effective fuel and keep my body in motion. I'm hopeful.
            he lets her back him down.
                                                              Oh, BTW, this is one reason we connect in this body on this plane
            Getting a taste of her own power has made her more   and meditate together when we become conscious of working
            brave. Having to share space and defend her territory,   together. To connect us from the INside, so when our bodies drop,
            having to see her human pet another cat has turned her   the stream of consciousness (and the work) continues. And "medi-
            world upside down. She’s discovering what she’s really   tating together" doesn't have to mean sitting in the same room
            made of. A month in and she now feels confident to   at the same time, it can be done while physically solo, with the
            check both cats’ food dishes and hop from the counter   mind intent on including the other in the session.
            to atop the fridge to on top of the cabinets. Her world   See you on the INside.
            was scarily cramped and limited for a few weeks after
            the move but now she sees her world has really ex-          GOOGLE EARTH IS AN EFFECTIVE
            panded.                                                          VISUALIZATION TOOL

             Challenges do that to us. They show us what we’re   I'm finally getting to use Google Earth. It's a great geography
             really made of, they give us the opportunity to tap   learning tool. I began by looking at my childhood neighborhood,
             into our creativity and our power, they expand our   then historic sites. In viewing I'm fascinated to realize how little
               territory, our perspective and our field of play.  I know about the other side of the world. I click on names I've
                                                              heard in the news. It gives me a chance to say a prayer for them
                                                              as well, or just to sit in a place of peace for a few moments,
            NO MATTER WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE WORLD            wishing them the same sense of security and peace I feel. Breath-
                MY PERCEPTION IS ALL THAT MATTERS.            ing in the troubles of the area, offering it up to God; breathing
                                                              down God's love, offering it out onto the area. All we have is
            I can let myself look at something I don't like and criti-  each other on this tiny round ball we all live on. I can see Google
            cize it, or I can look at it with an eye to find something   Earth will be an effective tool in doing visualizations such as
            to appreciate. And what we look for determines what   these, intended to introduce hopeful and soothing thoughts into
            we'll find.                                       the global mental plane to help ease the suffering of the world.

            If I focus on someone being a lazy bum, that's what   A friend said she felt guilty using prayer to petition for help and
            I'll see. If I focus on someone taking time out to in-  solutions, since she'd usually be asking for help out of something
            cubate a dream and get a life plan together, that's   she got herself into.  I thought that was what it was for, asking for
            what I'll see. How I act with them determines how they   guidance to see your way out of something.   Whether the answer
            react to me and how they see themselves.          comes from the form of a God or Supreme Being, or from simply
                                                              a system of info organized by the Universe being presented for
            We can activate either side of their personality by our   your perusal, my experience is that every time, without fail, I am
            attention to one aspect or another. What are you acti-  answered and info is presented and a light is shone on my path
            vating in those around you? What are they activating in   guiding me out of my dilemma.
            you?                                                                                    Andrea
                                                              Enjoy our offering this month. Hari Om.
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