February 2025 Horoscopes

February 2025

The February 2025 Horizons is now online at Click here for the FEB 2025 Horizons mobile version.  Here are the horoscopes. Click here for a desktop pdf version https://horizonsmagazine.com/mags_online/2-25-Issue.pdf

Aries – (March 19 – April 18) 
The social sector will be as important as the projects you have on the go! Until the 18th, you are advancing smoothly, your interpersonal relationships are good, and you are confident. Then, the atmosphere becomes a bit too sensitive for your liking, with too many murky energies, your conquering nature and Mars, your planet in Cancer, injecting emotional tension that leads to efforts in vain! Luckily, on the 4th, Jupiter offers you a full chance in the sector of your close circle, boosting your morale and enabling a rich and varied social life. On the same day, Venus arrives at your place and you are all enthusiastic, ready to charm all around you.

Love in General
This sector looks contradictory! Venus in your sign on the 4th makes you very loving, you might feel like conquering someone with all your powerful energy. However, Mars in Cancer squaring these energies could cause conflicts due to misplaced jealousy or excessive pride.

In a relationship
From the 4th onwards, you will be demonstrative, warm, and passionate with your partner, but beware of those who act like angels but are really beasts! An ill-aspected Mars in Cancer will bring familial troubles or marital disagreements your way. Your desires will be strong, perhaps even too strong.

All fired up! You’re burning with love starting on the 4th, and watch out for the chosen one of your heart, you may not let him go for a second. Caution, Mars is filling you with a torrent of emotions, don’t confuse seduction with aggression!

Career / Finance
As active as you should be, this sector should follow an upward trend, especially before the 18th. Extremely magnetic, you could use your charm from the 4th to renegotiate your loan or a salary increase, with guaranteed positive results!

This winter month won’t be harsh for you! You should navigate it smoothly in many areas, especially if you compromise.

Taurus – (April 19 – May 19)

This month could invite you to engage more in your work due to resistances from others or your boss that you will have to either endure or address. Until the 18th, spare no effort to achieve what you desire, but remember to do so with authentic flexibility, or risk alienating your colleagues. Mars energizes your close relationship sector, while Venus, your planet, may facilitate premonitory dreams or express little emotion. Uranus still gives you desires for freedom or radical change, make sure to make the right choices (last decan). Your wallet could grow from the 4th, as Jupiter bestows its financial blessings directly in your money sector (especially the 1st decan). If you have sown seeds, it is probably time for the harvest.

Love in General
Your feelings will be left hanging, causing the person involved to be left wanting more. It must be said that you are not expressing what you feel, especially after the 4th, and this could lead to minor difficulties. Will your desires help you heighten your sensuality enough to compensate?

In a relationship
Before the 14th, your poor communication will cause problems in your relationship, but afterwards, your words will be just right even though your feelings are very reserved, even shy. Fortunately, a well-aspected Mars will facilitate the expression of your very strong sensual side, which is your monthly asset!

Between strong but unexpressed feelings and a tender sensuality that you want to fully experience, your chances of meeting someone remain high but require you to find a balance between these two facets of love. Keep an eye out around you, your other half is surely hiding there!

Career / Finance
Your activities will occupy your mind during the first half of the month, as you’ll have a lot of work to do, even if it drains a lot of your energy. After that, you can take a breather – you deserve it. Your assets might then see an increase in value from your past actions or professional involvement.

It’s shaping up to be a lovely month! Don’t charge in headfirst, especially before the 18th, and simply go with the flow. Rely on your legendary perseverance and sensuality.

Gemini – (May 20 – June 19)

A great deal of idealism tints this month for you! During the first half, you will receive support from the energies present in Aquarius, with the Sun and Mercury, along with Pluto adding to your morale and self-confidence. Venus in Aries from the 4th will greatly benefit your relationships or financial matters deriving from a partnership or group endeavor. Your aspirations won’t be solely humanitarian, as Mars in Cancer throughout the month supports your possessions and desire for professional advancement. Jupiter in your sign and direct from the 4th helps you solidify your social standing, laying the groundwork for the future with relative ease. You establish yourself gently, which is just how you like it! Saturn in Pisces may slow you down a bit (2nd decan), so act methodically and everything will fall into place!

Love in General
From the 4th on, your feelings will be strong and focused on your circle of friends, where you may feel particularly good this month. Your desires will be more complex, both possessive and very emotional, you may hesitate between expressing what you feel and showing your affections concretely. Find the balance!

In a relationship
Your partner will need to share a bit with you if they want to maintain harmony in your relationship, but will they accept that? The intense intimacy may make you want to leave home more often, so beware of the consequences.

Starting on the 4th, focus your efforts on social, athletic, or activist outings. You might come across someone dynamic and passionate who inspires you to change your romantic status! Mars in Cancer gives you a captivating but possessive charm, so relax!

Career / Finance
Financial benefits are possible all month long if you work within a cooperative or an association. One thing is certain: your ambition will be high, you will spare no effort to increase your income. Be sure to communicate diplomatically after the 15th, as before, you would spoil your chances.

Balance your emotions and desires because this month looks set to bring positive events. A little tension at work is possible after the 15th, so remember to practice your legendary sense of humor!

Cancer – (June 20 – July 21)

This month is shaping up to be intense and idealistic! The sky is pushing you to exceed your limits, with Aquarius energies requiring you to engage in introspection or sometimes drastic changes under the guidance of Pluto (1st decan). After the 15th, the atmosphere becomes less electric and more focused on a broad perspective that you appreciate. What do you want to commit to? With Mars in your sign, your dynamism will skyrocket, and you will act with passion and sometimes a bit of emotional tension, so be mindful of that. The professional sector is supported by Venus, and individuals could help you or your boss might notice your skills. You may reconnect with people from the past or take an interest in the less fortunate. Jupiter will favor various social circumstances conducive to this humanistic quest.

Love in General
After the 15th you regain confidence in yourself, and your emotional life will benefit from the inner peace that you will exude. However, Mars in your sign sparks your desires, so make sure to align them with others to avoid unpleasant disagreements. Venus square Mars in Aries from the 4th intensifies your emotions, so proceed with caution.

In a relationship
Don’t bring anything from work if you want to preserve harmony with your partner. Especially since your physical appetite will be strong, your feelings passionate, and your partner may not have the same temperament, give them time to adjust to you!

Your thirst for romantic conquest will be strong, allowing yourself even a few indiscretions like seducing someone in a committed relationship elsewhere? Find the right balance between your desires and reality. After the 15th, tenderness becomes your asset again!

Career / Finance
Your work should occupy your mind almost all month, engage with passion, Mars in your sign strongly supports you there. Professional opportunities are dormant for now, but your time will come! Before the 15th, financial assistance from a third party or an awaited letter could help boost your growth.

Adapt to the strong influences that may come your way this month. Set aside your shy, sometimes overly sensitive personality and believe in yourself to achieve what you desire.

Leo – (July 22 – August 21)

This month, the sky invites you to pay attention to others who should take a very important place. The sun, Mercury, and Pluto, facing your sign during the first half, urge you to communicate but also to listen more to the opinions of others and to take them into consideration because you could be up against strong opposition. To do so, Jupiter in a good aspect supports your social relationships – you will be full of humor, energetic, and willing to connect with people who are youthful in spirit. After the 15th, a certain fluidity could help you release any potential pressure, but not too much, prefer to use relational wisdom. The emotional sphere is favored starting on the 4th, your feelings will be powerful but your actions a bit reserved, adjust the palpitations of your heart!

Love in General
You will experience many warm and vibrant feelings under Venus in Aries starting on the 4th. However, Mars in Cancer hinders the expression of your emotions. You may want to be affectionate with your loved one, but an unusual inhibition will prevent you from doing so. Be mindful of being a bit touchy and remember, giving will lead to receiving!

In a relationship
Until the 15th, your partner might be demanding, but harmony should return afterwards. Venus, starting from the 4th, reignites your feelings, warms up your desires to please your partner. Stay patient and show them your affection. Be more emotional in your interactions, but don’t get carried away.

Your desire to love should drive you to conquest! You could pursue the object of your desires with passion and loyalty, beware of people who don’t know what they want! Your desires will be more timid than usual but you will be able to convince.

Career / Finance
If you have made a banking request in the past, after the 4th, you could receive some good news. Alternatively, a training that you have been waiting for could come this month, especially from the 1st to the 15th. Jupiter favors contractual life, projects, go for it if you feel like it, the sky will support you!

More emotional but no less combative, do not give importance to petty disagreements or your ego. Refocus on your inner strength and the power of your heart, which is your asset!

Virgo – (Aug 22 – Sept 21)

This winter month pushes you to focus more on your professional or social development. The energies in Aquarius: the sun, Mercury, and Pluto will inspire you until the 15th to want to succeed, to create, maybe within the scope of your job. A major change could emerge from this, do you have desires for renewal? Thanks to Mars in a harmonious aspect, you advance your positions with the help of your friends or social partners, the time is right after the 15th to sign a new contract or partnership. Jupiter still reigns in the sector of your social destiny, you will certainly need to act in a respectful manner to avoid complications. Starting from the 4th, Venus will help you with a money return or adorn you with a charismatic allure.

Love in General
Your legendary shyness may shatter during the month. From the 4th, you are leaning towards exclusive and strong feelings while Mars gives you intuitions that will influence your actions. Your nature awakens to a way of loving more intensely than usual, will your partners follow the change?

In a relationship
If you take a little break from work, your love life should really start to warm up! Your partner may notice that you haven’t lost any of your former passion and that you are willing to show your feelings. Keep your chin up!

Determined and dynamic, you truly want to provoke a lovely encounter and you are willing to step out of your comfort zone. A strong encounter, stemming from your circle of friends, could capture your heart. Take your time to get to know each other.

Career / Finance
Jupiter requires you to work with others and follow certain protocols. Your income could increase starting from the 4th, with an additional sum of money on top of your salary possibly boosting your bank account. Unless an addendum to the contract is more favorable?

Active, productive, and engaging, this month looks promising! Don’t give up, go with the flow but make sure to leave your personal mark because your place belongs to you.

Libra – (Sept 22 – Oct 21)

Your children and your loved ones will be very important this month! The well-aspected Sun, Mercury, and Pluto in your sign ensure you’ll experience beautiful intense moments. You’ll be communicating in all directions with your intimate and friendly circle, and your diplomacy should unite those around you. After the 18th, your thoughts will turn to the professional sphere. You will act seriously but with a keen intuition. You may take on additional responsibilities as the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn inspire you in your daily life – whatever you do, you are building. With Mars in Cancer all month, your ambition will be reinforced, or you may find some challenging dynamics with certain colleagues – stay calm! Venus will be facing you on the 4th, enhancing your married or contractual life. Have a pleasant month!

Love in General
Your emotions are highlighted by several planets, so it’s very likely that your feelings will be emphasized! With Mars urging you to react rather than act, and Venus sweet-talking you in intimate moments, your love life should fulfill your sensual and romantic nature.

In a relationship
The passion could reignite between you and your partner, especially after the 4th! Venus enflames your heart and Mars your body! These very emotional energies should be watched if you don’t want to spoil your intimacy as a couple. Love gives you wings!

It is probably in the professional sphere that you could have a very intimate encounter, especially after the 24th. Your feelings are turned towards the other, your delicacy should charm the chosen one of your heart! Unless a past love comes back into your life?

Career / Finance
Your work could earn you a raise, but you could also try your luck with the lottery and hit the jackpot, especially before the 18th. Throughout the month, you have the support of others to smoothly strengthen your assets: your banker or employer will be receptive. Play up your irresistible charm!

This winter month seems very pleasant for your sign. Make the most of it, savor your opportunities, but don’t forget your responsibilities. Remember that success is shared, it only shines brighter that way!

Scorpio – (Oct 22 – Nov 20)

Some household or family issues could take up your time during the first half of the month, with a lot of communication ahead. Your ruling planet, Mars in Cancer, helps you to sense things and people, and act accordingly, this will be even more apparent after the 24th. The professional sphere is protected thanks to the harmonious influence of Venus in Aries, facilitating your contacts and processes. Jupiter starting from the 4th, could bring in a significant sum of money from a legal or banking transaction. After the 18th, you will regain your energy and confidence with your children if you are a parent, or with your loved ones, which could compensate for any worries at the beginning of the month. Uranus continues to bring about contractual or partnership changes (especially for the last decan). Adapt accordingly!

Love in General
Your daily life benefits from the influence of Venus, which brings its passion and generosity, so that your love life could regain a beautiful romantic hue! Mars in a tense aspect to Venus encourages a sensuality full of emotion that could disturb the more spontaneous expression of your feelings. Adjust this!

In a relationship
Domestic frictions will be forgotten after the 15th and will then ensure open sharing of your mutual feelings. March ignites passion and can warm up your intimacy, with a lot of emotions in store.

Keep an eye out at work or in your daily life, love may be hiding there! Your desire to charm will be strong and joyful, but your desires could lead you towards excess. Go out, sports venues or cultural festivals could hold a surprise for you!

Career / Finance
Your career development is progressing nicely. Jupiter could bring a significant windfall, beneficial for your career, while Mars supports education or training, especially towards the end of the month. Play, buy a lottery ticket – luck will be on your side after the 18th. No worries in sight!

Don’t get upset at the beginning of the month if a few annoyances arise, handle them with tact and composure. Love will help you relax just as much as a hobby.

Sagittarius – (Nov 21– Dec 20)

A very relationship-focused month lies ahead, with love in the air and some little family issues to deal with. Until the 14th, Mercury joins the Sun in Aquarius, influencing your intellectual life. Your mood is good, and your conversations are fruitful. Take advantage of this time to express what’s in your heart – you will be heard. After the 18th, the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn in Pisces require you to focus more on your family life, an elderly relative, or a home that may need some work. Jupiter in opposition supports your intimate relationships or partnerships – work together with others. Mars brings you a strong sense of sensuality or financial drive. You will be assertive and magnetic. From the 4th, Venus offers you its passionate tenderness – your children or loved ones should appreciate it.

Love in General
This sector is full of promises, it’s up to you to make them happen! With Venus in Aries whispering its loyal passion and lyricism, and Mars in Cancer giving you powerful charisma, this well-handled duo should bring you emotional happiness. Express your personality with all your heart and soul!

In a relationship
Your relationship looks set to be intense and joyful as long as you put effort into it. A certain nervousness stemming from Mars in a water sign could complicate your connection with your partner, so be sensuous with sensitivity and moderation; your partner will love you even more!

“Boarding could be your motto! Halt the horses, show your passionate feelings and desires, but without aggression. Starting from the 4th, a meeting is possible, to make it lasting, communicate in a friendly way, to start.”

Career / Finance
Under the influence of Mars, you will be combative and seek to replenish your savings, especially after the 23rd. Jupiter is helping you to finalize a contractual deal or to make an interesting financial encounter. A win in gambling is possible as early as the 4th, so get a lottery ticket!

It is a month full of events and emotions awaiting you. A challenging personality, roll up your sleeves and approach this month with warmth, tenacity, and respect for formalities.

Capricorn – (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

This month invites you to focus your efforts on your material life through your work or a talent you could develop. The Sun, Mercury, and Pluto in Aquarius enhance your ambition, making your desire to progress on the social ladder clearer. Jupiter, in a favorable aspect to these energies and in your professional sector, facilitates contacts and opportunities. Be open to all possibilities. After the 18th, you will feel a call from others or a form of spirituality that touches you more and more sincerely. Venus, from the 4th, soothes your home or family life. If there had been some tension, it will be in the past! Mars opposing your sign exposes you to demands from your partner or associates. Listen to them with wisdom and kindness.

Love in General
From the 4th onward, Venus in Aries brings a desire for conquest, either to rekindle your bond with your loved one, or to pursue someone you love. You assert your feelings. Mars could create tensions with the other person, so don’t try to be right, as it is fruitless and destructive for your emotional relationship.

In a relationship
A beautiful bond is shaping up thanks to sensitive and intuitive communication between you, especially after the 14th. Your feelings take on a passionate turn after the 4th, but your desires may clash with those of your partner, so don’t ruin everything out of pride!

You aspire to long-lasting romance. After the 4th, someone you meet at your parents’ or in the neighborhood could meet your expectations. March gives you energy but also a tendency to act abruptly, don’t scare the other, tame them!

Career / Finance
Serious and hard-working this winter month, you will give yourself the means to succeed and increase your income, especially up to the 17th. Jupiter favors the work sphere, between hesitation and action, do not hesitate too long, seize opportunities. A little help from your family could help you start a project.

A beautiful evolution of your way of life is possible; you are putting in effort to strengthen your achievements, no one will blame you for it. Remember to tell your loved ones that you love them.

Aquarius – (Jan 20 – Feb 17)

The Sun, Mercury, and Pluto in your sign give you an undeniable aura, an art of persuasion, and unwavering determination. Take advantage of these energies in the first half of the month to start a brand-new project or make a request that is close to your heart. Mars joins Saturn and Neptune in your work sector, you should fulfill your tasks with flair and a lot of method while Jupiter favors your emotional life or an important leisure activity for you. Your neighborhood relationships will be excellent starting from the 4th. After the 18th, your financial sphere is a priority, it’s possible that some good news will make you smile. Only the last decan still receives Uranus’ call for change, do not resist when faced with the unexpected, instead, embrace it.

Love in General
Throughout the month, you’ll feel the call of the senses driven by Venus in Aries, while Mars in a water sign will unsettle you. You’ll have many desires but not the means to express them. Your emotional life may fluctuate between a great need to love and a rather clumsy way of showing it.

In a relationship
You communicate easily with your partner and your feelings are expressed with a hint of passion starting on the 4th. However, Mars, in a tense aspect, may increase your emotional nervousness and could overshadow your desires to share intimate moments together. Be cautious.

A meeting may take place at your workplace, especially after the 23rd, unless your beloved is hiding in your neighborhood? You will be assertive and persuasive until the 14th, then possessive. Respect the other person’s timing, or they might slip away from you!

Career / Finance
A healthy ambition drives you, and you could achieve some success if you curb a behavior that, while captivating, may displease your superiors, especially towards the end of the month. Jupiter strongly supports your creativity, and you will be inspired and inspiring. A trip could lead to a financial gain.

This month looks promising, you are setting the stage for future events. Keep a close eye on the professional sphere, a concentration of energy is drawing you in! Also, remember to relax.

Pisces – (Feb 18 – March 18)

A lot of introspection characterizes the first half of the month, you are maturing your ideas and desires to progress in an area that is dear to you. On the 14th, Mercury moves into your sign, followed by the sun on the 18th; this duo joins Saturn and Neptune, making you feel motivated, ready to act and communicate with ease. After the 18th, you allow yourself to dream with pragmatism! Mars in harmonious aspect to this cluster reinforces your joy of living, creativity, as well as your relationships with youth if you are a parent. Some tensions are possible in your home, however, Jupiter exaggerates disagreements and turns them into conflicts, so stay vigilant and calm things down. Venus favors your financial life starting on the 4th: a raise?

Love in General
Possessive, exclusive, you will want to follow what makes your heart sing! With Venus in Aries favoring your initiatives, you know better what you want and do what it takes to get it. Especially since Mars in Cancer in good aspect to your sign energizes your behavior, serves your charisma, and reinforces your desires.

In a relationship
After the 14th, you communicate better, which strengthens your bond with your partner. Venus ignites your heart from the 4th, encouraging you to express your feelings to each other and creating a passionate atmosphere between you. Mars enhances your sensitivity towards a rich sensuality.

Your scope for action is clearer from the 14th, but the whole month is conducive to a seduction full of sensitivity, which will awaken your romantic soul. Get out, visit cultural places, someone may be waiting for you there!

Career / Finance
Starting from the 18th, the sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune are working in your favor, boosting your morale and self-confidence. As a result, you act at the right moment, with intuition and a touch of opportunism, which will help facilitate your professional growth. Could there be a bonus starting from the 4th?

A lovely month is coming up for creating something new or improving an aspect of your life. Keep acting with respect for time and processes, what you establish will be long-lasting.


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