Page 20 - 8-18-Issue
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This month’s thoughts A galpal said, “We HAVE to deal with our hearts and our emo-
tions as human divine beings … otherwise it’s just a mind game
about things... … What would Jesus do? turn his back on his children ? um I
don’t think so.“
“I want to look back on my life and be giddy with
joy that I was the one who got to live it.” To that I say: Sharon didn’t ask WWJD, she asked how is it just
a thought she is dealing with. She asked me what the mechan-
ics of that was, what the technical process was. I told her
... from page 7 .. what the process was.
And yeh, I know that sounds fluffy if you don’t know how it
I was talking about the MECHANICS of changing thought. Don’t works. If you stay ON the topic that causes you distress, it’s
confuse the TOPIC with the PROCESS. Don’t let EMOTION of the the same as being dialed into that station on the radio. You’re
TOPIC prevent you from remembering the PROCESS. The pro- got to be on that frequency to even hear about things like that
cess of relieving a situation by removing your attention from bc if you’re on 98.5 you can’t hear what’s on 88.3.
it, by replacing the thoughts of it with thoughts of something
else, something happier and more optimistic. So you stay ON your aggravating topic, you read about it, you
chat about it with friends, you’re not only ON that station,
Important to note, the process of relieving a situation by re- when you’re on 98.5, you’re also attracting into your life peo-
moving your attention from it relieves it by removing it from ple and circumstances that are also on 98.5.
YOUR experience. How does that help? It takes you out of
vibrational resonance with it, so you no longer fuel that flame. When you start watching the news and getting aggravated,
When your attention moves AWAY from the hopeless situation, you’re likely to have all sorts of other aggravating stuff begin
you will stop being attuned to it and stop attracting things like happening because that’s where you’ve vibing by paying atten-
it. tion to all that. That’s the channel, the station you’re dialed
Remember, the question wasn’t “how do I help these kids?”
The question was “how can I change what I view as a hope- But you can change it in an instant, by moving your focus to
less situation if it’s only my thoughts I am dealing with and something happier. because then you begin attracting all sorts
I have the power to change those?” of other happy stuff to focus on.
Using the immigrant children situation as an example, first Does this mean turn your back on the woes of the world? Ah,
understand, it does not matter WHAT the topic is. If seeing or there’s the dilemma, isn’t it?
hearing about a topic causes you distress, the way to lessen
your distress is to get off that topic. Get OFF that topic and There’s the work: balancing enough caring what goes on in
purposely get ON a topic that makes you feel happy. Otherwise the world with keeping your focus uplifted so you can have a
it can affect all areas of your life because it’s all related. Ev- happy, successful life.
You’re the only one who can decide where that balance
So the answer is easy until you say “how is it just a thought lies. But the process to do it lies in merely removing your
when kids are being taken from their parents?” Because ev- attention from distress.
eryone then shifts their attention from “the process” to “the
topic.” Gravity doesn’t care if you have a moral dilemma with every-
thing dropping to the ground when released. Gravity is just a
YOU ASKED HOW TO CHANGE IT. THIS IS THE PROCESS TO natural force at work in the world, the same as it’s a natural
CHANGE IT. force attracting something when you place your attention on
The thing that is causing you pain is thinking about the topic.
Is it unjust? Yes. Is it horrible? Yes. But IF it is NOT your battle “As hopeless as any situation feels it’s really only your
to fight and there is nothing you can do about it, get off the thoughts that you are dealing with and you have the power to
topic if it makes you feel bad. If you feel bad, you’re not doing change those.“
anyone any good.
Enjoy our offering this month.
If it doesn’t feel right to you to get OFF that topic and think
happy, fluffy thoughts so you can bring happy, fluffier people Hari Om.
and circumstances into your experience, then DO something
about it. Pray for guidance about where your time might be
better placed, where you can do good right where you are, Andrea
starting now, today.
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