Page 19 - 8-18-Issue
P. 19
from the GRAFFITI
Universe Jeff Brown is author of Spiritual Graffiti, Ascending with Both Feet on
the Ground, Love It Forward, An Uncommon Bond, Apologies to the
Divine Feminine From a Warrior in Transition and Karmageddon, an
An international tax accountant turned entrepreneur turned writer award winning documentary about spirituality and emotional healing.
Visit and
for “the Universe,” and one of the teachers for The Secret, Mike
Dooley runs TUT’s Adventurers Club and travels internationally, speak-
ing to thousands on life, dreams, happiness.
"The path of the spiritual warrior is
If you were to ask me, I'd probably say that not soft and sweet. It is not artificially
the number one cause of loneliness in time blissful and pretend-forgiving. It is not
and space is not a lack of friends, but a lack fearful of divisiveness. It is not afraid of
of keeping busy. I'd even go so far as to say that nine its own shadow.
out of ten times the solution to every crisis, challenge,
or problem - in relationships, careers, or otherwise - is It is not afraid of losing popularity when it speaks
to get busy. Because when you get busy, you allow me to its truth. It will not beat around the bush where
slide whatever you most need - be it material, spiritual, directness is essential. It has no regard for vested
or a new friend; answers, ideas, or comfort - right under interests that cause suffering. It is benevolent and
your big ol' nose. it is fiery and it is cuttingly honest in its efforts to
Tallyho, liberate itself and humanity from the egoic ties that
The Universe bind.
Shunning strong opinions in the name of spirituality
is anti-spiritual. Spirituality that is only floaty-soft is
a recipe for disaster, allowing all manner of manipu-
lation to run amok. Real spirituality is a quest for
truth, in all its forms.
Sometimes we find the truth on the meditation
cushion, and sometimes we find it in the heart of
conflict. May all spiritual warriors rise into fullness.
This planet is lost without them."
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