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                            Meriflor Toneatto is the author of Money, Manifestation & Miracles. As the CEO and founder of Power
                            With Soul, she specializes in helping ambitious women entrepreneurs, professionals and leaders
                            reach financial prosperity and success while fulfilling their social promise to the world. Her work has
                            been featured internationally in media outlets like Yahoo! Finance, Washington Post, International
                            Business Times, Los Angeles Times, and more. Visit her at
                            To gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of money, we need to

            move beyond the dictionary definition of it as “a    Money is a tool you can use to take care of yourself and others
            measure of value or a means of payment.” This deeper  by showing your love, nurturing, and appreciation. As women,
            comprehension will give you a new perspective on money,   we feel gratified when we can share what we have and help
            which will help you pave the way toward your desired real-  those in need.
            ity. In my work over the past twenty years, I have discovered
            some essential truths about money, both for myself and for my  A tremendous positive domino effect occurs when women are
            clients.                                             empowered with money. They can help their families and com-
                                                                 munities while contributing to the economy at the same time.
            THE FIRST ESSENTIAL TRUTH is that money is a uniquely   Having said that, it is also essential that as women we give
            human creation; it does not exist in nature or in the animal   in a way that is balanced, so that we avoid over-giving and
            kingdom. The first form of money was used as early as 3000   sacrificing ourselves.
            BCE. And from that time on, humankind has conferred value
            and power on money. Yet money as an object has no value. It   You can also use money to care for yourself and demonstrate
            may as well be the artificial currency we use when we play Mo- self-love. A key way to do this is to maintain the mind-set that
            nopoly. The meaning we assign to money is what gives it such   prosperity begins with you. Feeling good about yourself and
            prominence, power, and emotional value in our lives. Money   what you have in your life is crucial. Self-love is the entryway
            has become its own force.                            to being your best and most powerful self. It is a deep appre-
                                                                 ciation of who you are right now.
            THE SECOND ESSENTIAL TRUTH is that money is an
            exchange of energy. We expend energy through our work in ex-  It is not about loving yourself at some future date when you
            change for money, another form of energy. In turn, the money   earn a higher income, or lose weight, or have more confi-
            enables us to use it in various ways, from acquiring the basic   dence, or find the right partner, or have more money in the
            necessities of life to enhancing the quality of our lives and the  bank, or meet any other conditions that you may place on
            lives of others. We can also use money to facilitate achieving   yourself in order to feel worthy. Self-love includes accept-
            our goals and dreams.                                ing each and every part of you. Yes, every part, all the good
                                                                 — your talents, strengths, beauty, wisdom, and many more
            THE THIRD ESSENTIAL TRUTH is that money is a form    qualities — as well as the not-so-good, those imperfections
            of love. The most powerful force in the Universe is love. It   and faults we all possess. When you are committed to loving
            magnifies all the positive qualities of life, such as kindness,   yourself, a positive flow occurs. You will be happier and will
            faith, hope, generosity, joy, well-being, patience, forgiveness,   make better choices, attracting the right circumstances for
            compassion, peace, courage, happiness, friendship, and more.  prosperity and abundance.
            Therefore, connecting money with love opens up tremendous
            possibilities for joy because you are the source of all your                  ...continued on page 27...
            prosperity and wealth.

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