Page 19 - horizons 618 Issue
P. 19

NOTES                                            SPIRITUAL

                                from the                     Jeff Brown is author of Spiritual Graffiti, Ascending with Both Feet on the

                                Universe                     Ground,  Love It Forward, An Uncommon Bond, Apologies to the Divine
                                                             Feminine From a Warrior in Transition and Karmageddon, an award winning
                                                             documentary about spirituality and emotional healing. Visit www.Soulshap-
             An international tax accountant turned entrepreneur and
             turned writer for “the Universe,” and one of the teach-  When we flee the shadow, we flee ourselves. It’s
             ers for The Secret, Mike Dooley runs TUT’s Adventurers
             Club and travels internationally, speaking to thousands   not all light in there, of that we can be sure. And
             on life, dreams, happiness.      that shadow that we fled with all our might, doesn’t
                                                             go away. It waits around the next bend to trip us
                                                             up and to remind us that it wants to be seen. Not be-
            Did you know that whenever you feel              cause it wants us to suffer, but because it wants us to heal. Because
            love, you literally begin to glow? You           it wants us to grow. Our shadows aren’t the enemy. Our resistance
            probably did.                                    is.

                                                             There is a time to adventure heartily into new possibilities, but
            But did you know that the glowing is             there is also a need for quiet integration time on the self-creation
            actually made up of zillions of minute           journey. We can have all the peak experiences we want but the real
            sparkles? And that these sparkles receive        work happens between the peaks, while laying down and integrating
            as much energy as they create?                   on the valley floor. Lasting transformation is an incremental pro-
                                                             cess, one soul-step at a time. This may frustrate us, but it’s the only
                                                             way to craft an awareness that is authentic and sustainable.
            And that because of this energy exchange you com-
            pletely stop aging and look younger? Abundance
            is immediately drawn to you? Healing powers fill
            you? Muscles are strengthened, pounds are shed,
            and your vision improves? Lingering questions are      SPIRITUALIST CHAPEL of Melbourne
            answered? New friends are summoned? Old friends                          We Welcome All To
            are poked? Problems are solved? And maple syrup         Spiritualism +
            tastes more maple-y?                                    Mediumship     Sunday 10 AM services
                                                                     Classes $5
                                                                     $10 others     1924 Melody Lane, Melbourne, FL 32901
            All when you feel love.                                                   Spirit Messages - Healing Service
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            It's true,                                               Thursdays         $15/15 minutes after Services
                The Universe                                         6:30-8:30 pm          321-419-6262


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